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Tuesday, March 14th, - Travel Planning
I am in the throes of travel planning. This morning I gave Dr. Bruce a call and begged him for sleeping pills (for the plane) and tummy pills (in case I come down with a horrid case of diarrhea that lasts for a week). This call was made at the urging of my male co-workers, who told me to lie and say I had a business meeting as soon as I got off the plane. I can't lie to Dr. Bruce, so I didn't; he gave me Zanax anyway.

There are so many little last minute things to buy! This has left me in a hectic but good mood, as I've come to realize that I love shopping; I really, really LOVE to shop. It's best when I have more time, of course, but any excuse to spend money guilt-free leaves me happy.

I found out this morning that Jan (male, pronounced Yawn) spent New Year's in Barcelona. I got to talk to Jan (who is tall, energetic, slightly foreign, friendly, charming and far too cute - and only very slightly shows his geeky side, which makes him all the more adorable; he reminds me a lot of Karen's Par) for a good 20 minutes this morning as he told me about cool bars to check out in Barcelona. He warned me that many bars would not admit me - and he assured me this happens to everyone, and it all depends on if you're a regular or how well your look fits in with the bar's style. My comment on this was, "Well, a little cleavage usually works in cases like that." He laughed. I asked him about what to wear and told him, "I'm thinking tights, short skirt and a tight top." "You've got it" he nodded, "You'll be ok." At least the language of boobs is universal.

Last night I hung out with Lydia and her girls (and David, who carpooled with me). I had this great idea - "Hey, kids! Wanna practice counting in Spanish with me?" No. They each wanted to watch a movie - Kaylei was all about "Clue" and Kiera, who is nearing "that age" and is learning the power of a cranky attitude and loud, incessant demands, wanted to see "Mystery Men". Me, I was the tie-breaker in the movie vote, so I had both kids sucking up to me for awhile. "I don't want to watch a movie, my vote is to practice Spanish, I told you that." So, we compromised and set the timer for 10 minutes and practiced for that time. Sort of. After a minute of numbers, Lydia broke out the flash cards, which was more engaging to the kids and helped me solidify some nouns I'd learned years ago in my year of high school Spanish.

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