Cafe Rambleflower

Tuesday, March 11th, 2003 - Garlicky Goodness

One of those lovely weekends, which I don't know if I've quite acheived in awhile. Friday night Tim and I put off doing laundry to watch the last two episodes of 24, which was very, very good. I can hardly wait for season 2 to come out on dvd! Saturday morning we finally did laundry, which was less painful than anticipated, after which I went off to Piedmont Yoga's "Yoga for Peace" day, which translated as 50 minutes of free yoga and an herbal drink. After *that* I went to David's, where we hung out until my hunger sent me back home to cook dinner with my Pook (er, Tim). I watched some TV (a terrible movie called "Tart" which I could watch only because it's so angsty and, hey, I can write angsty better than that (which is always fun to sit and feel smug about). I had to watch "Stuart Little" afterwards to clear my head, although Tim was good and went upstairs to work. Oh, and we moved my crafty desk upstairs (which Mom went and told Holly about before she got home last night, ruining the surprise - *pout*), so now I can craft away near Tim. And, I have a better place to put my laptop when I go up there to work. If only we could figure out how to network our computers (I'm mac, he's PC) so I don't have to email stories to him to print them out!

Hi. I'm a bit run-on today, I suppose. Maybe I should go put some paragraph breaks in up there . . . naw.

Sunday. Sunday, we got up, packed up and went up to Berkeley, where we ran a few errands before settling into a cafe (one where I could plug in, since my batteries are going rotten). Instead of writing, I cleared out a bunch of lingering Flytrap stuff (some of it was shamefully old; bad editor!). I'm getting very excited about Flytrap, mainly because we have so many good pieces coming in (and more every day!). Tim quipped (just as I was thinking this, as we sometimes do, especially when our heads are close together) that the key to editing a good 'zine or antho is to have talented friends (who are willing to sell you their brilliant fiction for a fraction of what it's worth on the open market). Of course, hopefully we offer the chance to be in the charter issue of a future noteworthy 'zine, one that will receive critical acclaim and be nominated for fancy awards and suchlike. At least, that's my dream . . .

So, Sunday afternoon/ early evening was given over to catching up with Todd, who is my oldest friend out here (save Holly, of course). That site I just linked to has his music reviews, which are of Bay Area metal bands. Yes, you read that right. No, I'm not particularly into metal bands. He's a good writer, though, so I still find them entertaining to read, even if I do skim through the band stuff and read the crowd/ venue descriptions more carefully.

So, Todd and I caught up and promised (again) not to let months and months go by without hanging out again. Actually, he might join our Buffy nights, which would be very cool; I can't remember the last time Todd and I hung out on a regular basis. He's one of those old friends that, no matter how long it's been since we've hung out, we're immediately comfortable and chattering away like no time has passed (well, except for the "so, what have you been up to?" conversational bits).

Came home from Toddness to Susanshine; I brought home salmon fillets and Tim made garlicky mashed potatoes, and we sat and watched The Simpsons. And talked -- about religion, politics and (once we sent Tim upstairs) girltalk. Fun!

This is getting long, isn't it?

So, anyway, Holly and Aleister came back last night from a 3-week trip in Indiana. The baby is HUGE -- he's much more alert, and can grab things and doesn't seem to cry as much. Holly handed him to me and he immediately drooled all over my breasts. Holly, on the other hand, is skinnier -- you can tell that she's the one putting all the fat onto the baby.

Anyway. Anyway, I think I shall post this now. Happy Tuesday, y'all!


Exercise Log:

Sunday night: A fair bit of walking this weekend, actually. Oh, and I took part in the Piedmont Yoga Studio's Yoga for Peace thingie on Saturday (read: 50 minutes of free yoga and a cup of herbal "tonic" (tea)). And, and I signed up for the Y again and have a spiffy plan of getitng up and going in the mornings. What? Stop snickering at me! I will!

Tuesday: I got up at 6:30 this morning and did an hour stretching class (I had hoped for yoga, but the Y has stupid scheduling and there's no yoga at a time I can make in the mornings). Felt Gooooood.

Writing log:

Editing, I've been editing . . .

Current Publications:

"Famishing" in Strange Horizons. My first pro sale!

"Wetting the Bed" and a collab with Tim Pratt, "A Serious Case of Fairies" in Floodwater

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

Currently Reading:

Polyphony 1 ed. by Deborah Layne and Jay Lake

The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

Donate money to my teeth, my grad school application fees, our writerly projects (Floodwater and Flytrap!). Every little bit helps!

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