Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, March 3rd, 1999

Today was not a good day. The phones were insane while I covered Christa's lunch. There was a phone puzzle, but I won't bore you with details. Jenny was trying to explain it to me, but my blood sugar was too low and I finally snapped at her so I could just leave and eat*. At Bubi's, where I eat sometimes, I had to tell the deli clerk 3 times what I wanted on my sandwich. I had already ordered a pesto pasta salad, after inquiring, "That's vegetarian, right?" I almost left with the sandwhich, when I decided to enjoy the weather and sit outside for a bit. I unwraped my sandwich to take a bite. And in the middle of my sandwich was a hunk of sliced turkey. Eeewwwwww. I'm glad I checked! I walked back into the crowded shop, up to the front of the line, but waited patiently so I wouldn't interrupt her current customer. But I was next:

"Excuse me, ma'am." (She had turned away from me).


"This sandwich has turkey on it and I don't eat meat!" after which I tossed it so the sandwich fell open in its saran wrap, the offending turkey meat rolling guiltily between the buns.

*Don't worry, we made up later. I have a short fuse, but I don't tend to hold little grudges like that.
She made me a new sandwich. Just right.
And even though she apologized prettily enough, I still had enough steam leaft over to difuse into a certainly incomplete list of

Pet Peeves:

  • slow walking people in the middle of the sidewalk. especially those who will not move when it's obvious I need to get around them, I'm in a hurry. I make special exception for the elderly or handicapped, but I've been known to have thin patience if I'm late enough.
  • being served meat when I've made it clear I'm vegetarian.
  • being judged on whether or not I went to an Ivy league or well-known school.
  • Bacon.
  • finding the Brita (filtered water pitcher) almost empty.
  • being told "nothing's wrong" when it's obvious that something certainly is.
  • being held up each morning at home when Sharon inevitably interrupts my morning bathroom routine by knocking on the door and begging to "go real quick".
  • people who want to sit inside when it's a beautiful day outside.
  • being ignored, especially when I'm asking a question.
  • being detained by a loquatious friend/acquantaince/stranger on the street when I've made it clear many times that I have to get going.
  • being left out/not invited (I don't know whether that's a peeve or a fear--probably both)
  • men who take my friendly manner (such as chatting briefly over the weather) as an indication I want to be hit on.
  • any phone call before noon on a weekend day. exception being publishers, agents and anyone who wants to give me money (though a later call is preferred).
  • being woken up for any non essential reason.
  • a close friend leaving on a long trip without saying goodbye.
  • phone solicitors, even though it is their crappy job. it's evil. pure eevil, I tell you.
Then I went over to the nursery and bought the most incredible antique pink/yellow pansies. So pretty and delicate! They'll go nicely along our sidewalk. I also bought deep purple anemones, which I'm going to pot and take with me when I finally move. Buying flowers was very fun - the clerk was very informative and there was so much to chose from. It certainly cheered me up.
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