Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Monday, May 1st- Merrie Beltane!
I'm rather fond of yesterday's entry so check it out if you haven't had a chance yet.

Well, I'm much happier than I was last week, you'll all be happy to know (I *hope* you're happy to know that :-)! Last night I even got the creeps sitting in David's apartment, which I took as a good sign. It's been three nights since he's left, and I've yet to sleep over there (much to Jasmine's dismay, I'm afraid). Maybe it was final mourning that caused me to be so sad? Whatever it was, this break from one another came just in the knick of time, and I'm doing wonderfully, thank you.

I went running today, and I started out the run by seeing how angry I could get. I sprinted all the way to aquatic park, which is much further than I usually jog, and was all crampy by the time I got there (but I'd really worked out some of those issues, you know?). I jogged a bit after I'd cooled down, but mostly I just walked. I love the way I feel after running like that mid-day; I hope I'll sleep nice and deeply tonight.

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