Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, May 3rd - Warning: So Happy I might make you sick!
Greetings, all you loverly readers out there! I'm so happy I'm about to burst a seam; Lalalalala! I'm giddy, I'm floating, I'm stable . . .

Yesterday's entry didn't happen mainly because I was working on an article for Clean Sheets (well, the article was written Monday night, but it was polished up yesterday). It's a fluffy article on looking at girls, and it probably won't offend too many people (I hope). If you like, feel free to give it a read (it's at the top of the index page, which is one click away from the link above; I feel it's more responsible to make you all read the "adult content" notice, even though this particular article is more of a PG13 than an R or X).

La, lala . . .

I did yoga last night, which felt just super (isn't super a goofy sounding word? Well, I think it is). I came home and watched a terribly-acted Buffy and an interesting Angel (I think next week I'll be able to skip it, as Faith is gone and there's no crossovers . . .). Anyhow, I'm gonna run again at lunch today because I'm becoming addicted to having so much energy. Tonight, after work, Krista is coming to the Y with me to show me her weight-lifting routine (yay!).

All this exercise is doing wonders for my body-image. I wake up in the mornings and I feel all sexy and slinky beneath the covers. My tummy is no longer a large roll around the middle, but a smaller pouch just in front, with these new vertical muscles on either side! When I look in the mirror, I concentrate on that, as the rest of me hasn't caught up with the way I'm imagining I look - but it will, dear readers, it will! Like I said, I'm loving the extra energy; it's also spring, soon to be summer, and there's hiking and camping to be done!

Hm, there's also something new in my life, which started on Monday, but has gotten me grinning . . . but, as it only started the day before yesterday, I'm gonna hold off holding my breath and not count my chickens and not go on too much about it in my journal (and all that).

Have a gorgeous day, dearies, and I'll chat at ya later!

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