Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Thursday, May 4th - You can come out, it's safe now.
Not quite so happy today, which is a good thing. Going at the pace I was yesterday has got to be hazardous to my health, even with the jogging and the weight-lifting. Krista and I had a good time working out in the women's gym at the Y (where we employed tactics from my article in Clean Sheets yesterday), but she kept stopping to say hi to people. Nice that my YMCA guest knows more regulars than I do, but I hope that will change. I've never had anyone go through and explain a weight-lifting routine to me before, and now it makes much more sense. It's a 4 day schedule, working different parts of your arms, shoulders and back for the first three days, and legs on the fourth. Krista was cool 'cause she pointed out which parts of the body different exercises worked. My favorites are the ones that lift both under and on top of your breasts, and the back fat ones. Not that those are the easiest exercises, but they're the ones with the most payoff, in my opinion.

Anyhow, I spent some quality time with Jasmine last night, but it still didn't feel right sleeping at David's house (and I had left my book at home, and I can't sleep without reading a bit first and I wanted to finish that book since it was the first Harry Potter and easy reading . . . ). Jasmine is PISSED that I'm not staying there; usually, in the past, I've moved in for the week or two that he's gone, but this time this break is all about me. Oh, well, she'll stop scratching me eventually . . .

Couldn't sleep last night, at least not very well, which has been an ongoing problem. This isn't really stress-related (I don't think) nor caffeine, and exercise is supposed to *help* you sleep . . . I'm not sure what's causing this, but I don't like it, no sir. Today was ok, but I'm being very impatient with things. Holly wrote me, which is so cool . . . Ran errands at lunch which pretty much topped off my "mood" - ergh, I hate getting road rage, and everyone was a "stupid motherfucker, what the hell do you think you're doing, what the hell? Are we all MORONS on the road today? What a stupid fucking thing to do, you asshole . . . yeah, that's right, you read my lips and I'll say it again, ASSHOLE!!!!"

I'm so not pretty when I'm like that. I hate it, hate it, hate it. I feel all gross. And this was after a nice sushi lunch at Ichi's ...

I've been craving protein since I started working out, so I've been chowing on the eggs and fish lately. Maybe that's why I can't sleep; I can't ever seem to eat enough at dinner so that I'm not hungry when I go to bed. I should make a mess of goulash, 'cept all those beans can be unpleasant, if you know what I mean . . .

Very stream of conciousness today, kids. It's weird; usually when I'm like this, I'm depressed or upset or something, but I'm not today. Nope, I'm just sorta scattered but normal. That's ok. I'll take it for now.

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