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Wednesday, May 17th - Clean living

Exercise log:

Skipped yoga class due to headache
Wednesday morning I still had the headache that kept me from my beloved yoga class. So, I called in sick.

I felt better in the afternoon, so I did a little grocery shopping (there was nothing to eat in the house). I decided not to cancel my dinner with Jeff, and since I had more time, I cleaned up a bit and made a fancy recipe: stuffed green peppers. Yum.

I can't tell you how much the cleaning has helped my mental state. I bought a new wooden, fold-up hamper from Ikea, so I filled my old, broken-up plastic one with crap that I no longer need or want. I'm so bad at this, but I still had that headache and it put me in an excellently bitchy mood with my shit. "What! I still have this peach-and-navy-blue circular table cloth from when I redecorated my bedroom at age 15? Yuck! I don't even have that table anymore! To the Salvation Army basket with you!" The headache made me not want to deal with crap, made me impatient with it, which is a good thing. Otherwise, well, I tend to cling.

Jeff and I had a lovely dinner - fresh salad from the garden, those fancy stuffed peppers, and wine. Maybe it's the wine, but we always have such a good, relaxing time around each other. I told him that I enjoyed his company because I always felt so creative and inspired after spending time with him. He told me my company made him feel secure and well-cared for. It was probably helped by the wine, that warm-fuzzy feeling that followed that exchange. He's a pleasing guest - very appreciative of my cooking, willing to sit around and talk and tell amazing stories. I should take notes; his stories would make great fiction.

Around about 9:10pm he asked if I wanted to go see a movie up at the UC Berkeley theatre called "The Girl Next Door" (showing at 9:30pm). "It's a documentary on a porn star; you're the only person I can think of who would go see it with me." "Sure," I said, eyeing the clock, "Let's go!".

I get a real thrill out of deciding to do something like that at the last minute - it makes me feel all spontaneous and young and flexible . . .

We sat up close and were treated to "big boobs" in our faces. There were several scenes shot during Stacy Valentine's (the "girl next door") breast implant surgery that confirmed my already-solid convicitons that such surgery is mutilation and will NEVER happen to my body. The movie ended on a somewhat sad note - no real resolution, but you could tell she didn't know what to do with her life.

Anyhow, I had a nice time and I'm feeling much better this morning. I don't know if it's my clean room or my good friends, but life seems ok right now. Ahhh.

I'm currently reading:

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
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