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Tuesday, May 30th - "It's like shopping for a Chesterfield at Ikea"
Why can't they all be 3 day weekends?

I don't know that I need to recount everything I did this weekend - most of it is in the Exercise Log anyway. Saturday I did go see The Virgin Suicides with Ian and Elle. I enjoyed the movie, although I do feel like there's something missing. There was some brilliant use of cinematography - the narrators are the boys across the street from these 5 beautiful, blond Catholic girls (ages 13-17) and you see a lot of the main action from that kind of distance. There's one scene (this could be a SPOILER) where all the boys are running out of the girls' house and the camera pulls back as they leave - giving us less and less detail on the action, which is effective but frustrating. You don't quite get the whole story - you never feel like you understand exactly what's going on. In short, you feel like those boys feel - bewitched and bewildered. It's beautiful.

Hmm, got lots of housey stuff done. I put up curtain rods and made curtains (not in that order) - finally! I had this fabric from 2 years ago that I had made big pillows out of that sit on my bed - a nice plaid in dark blue, green, marroon, deep yellow, salmon - my colors. I had to recline on my bed for an hour admiring them after I put them up. They're so - so satisfyingly homey!

I also bought a bunch of home improvement stuff from Ikea - an expandable spice rack, another throw rug in green and blue plaid for my room, and a very nice chair. This chair is made in an "S" shape so when you sit on it you can bounce a bit. Of course, they were sold out of the "cheap" cushions, and they didn't have anything but brown and yellow in the "medium" price range either, so I splurged and got the nice, deep green, top-of-the-line-before-leather cushions for it. This chair - which will be for reading or for guests to sit in - is replacing my papasan that haunted my college dorm room days. It's a nice step up - still youthful (springy with cushion theme) but definitely nicer, more durable and easier to get in and out of than my papasan (which is falling apart anyway; it's probably in pieces in Mom's garage as we speak). My (future) kids will love it. It's so cool.

Unfortunately it's also still in the box in my dining room. Sigh.

Had lunch with Jeff on Sunday, which was nice. I've realized how important it is for me to be social - and I've discovered that I get a lot more out of one-on-one socializing than parties. Actually, the barbeque at Ian and Elle's house last night was an exception, but that's because it was all family: Ian, Elle, Carol, Jodi, Me, David, Jeff, Sherman, Aaron, Karen, Lydia and Yvonne. We broke into some yoga on the deck out back, and although Yvonne ran away, most people were cool with such a casual use of space. We had backbend show-offs (I'm pretty damn good at backbends, if I do say so myself) and shoulder stretch demonstrations. Sherman kept telling me I looked different, and he was kind enough (after negating such ideas as new hair color and not wearing glasses) to agree it must be that my face is thinner. (Thanks, Sherman!) Hey - *I* can see a difference, but this is the first "outside" confirmation of exercise results! As Homer Simpson would say, "Whoo-hoo!"

Ah, I've babbled enough. No real focus right now, but I'm happy, so it's best not to overanalyze. Cheers!

Exercise log:

Ran at lunch Friday.

Lifted weights and put them back down again many times: Back and Biceps day

Did about an hour of yoga Friday night to help stretch out over-worked muscles before bed, fell asleep in the "corpse" pose with all my candles still blazing - eep!

Saturday I gardened/set up and seam-sealed my tent. I also french braided Honeysuckle, which uses lots of arm muscles and is performed with the hands high above the head.

Sunday I walked to and from Mama's and around the park. I also did quite a lot of shopping.

Monday I spent far too long battling crowds at Ikea.

I gardened a bit afterwards and put up curtains (w/out a drill, so it counts, yes?).

I went to a party and played Twister with Jeff and Ian, which certainly does count - like yoga, but much more painful.

I'm currently reading:

Finished Sunday night:
Foundation by Issac Asimov

Reading now:
Foundation and Empire also by Issac Asimov

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