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Saturday night, I called Sherman to see if he wanted to go see KFOG's
Ka-Boom! with me. Turns out he was planning on going with Ian and Elle,
and I BARTed into the City to join them. It's a long, complicated story
of how we ended up going to Ka-Boom! without Ian and Ellie and Leo. I
wanted to see the Old 97's play; I didn't want to miss Blues
Traveler. Turns out we couldn't even get near enough to see either band
and the sound was bad, so, you know. But then we wandered near someone I
knew - Janet, who is Kimio's friend, who I took a Unix class along with
last year. Janet is fun. We joined Janet and her bunch and ended up
having a swell time, chatting about stuff. Then the fireworks
started. Oh. Oh, fireworks make me so romantic. These were synched up
to the music, so on Dave Matthew's "Satelite" these huge purple saturns
with pink and yellow rings exploded along with every syllable of the title
word and there were yellow cascades all during Lennon's "Imagine". We
all danced along to "Play that Funky Music", and everyone did the
YMCA arms -- so fun! After the show, everyone who had someone kissed. It
was wild to see all these heads come together and kiss tenderly as the
fires faded from the sky. The mass of humanity on the way out I could've
done without. It took us an hour to get throught the gates and four
blocks to BART. BART took *forever*, stopping all the time because of
"slow trains in front of us". At 19th Street Station, we sat for awhile,
and I heard the intercom telling some poor saps that they had to change
platforms because the train was coming in on a different one. I had no
idea, until yesterday, that Marissa and
her crew were among those people. Poor things! Sunday was nice, what
with some coffee shop time and gardening. David and I had dinner and watched the Simpsons. I came home, read some, and
went to sleep at a reasonable hour. And now it's Monday.
Henry and June by Anais Nin
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HomeMonday, May 14th, 2001 -
Boom, Baby
I had such a good
weekend! I've been happier than usual lately, which helped, and I didn't
let myself sit around the house all weekend neither. Saturday I paid
bills (oh, that was fun), put away clothes and papers and suddenly my room
was normal messy, not catastropically messy. That made me happy. Exercise log:
Walking the mile or so to Ka-Boom! through the City from Sherman's
Writing log:
Oh, have the coolest story idea! Must . . . write .. . soon!
I'm currently
The Sweetheart Season by Karen Joy Fowler
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Berkeley, CA 94712-4222
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