Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Thursday, May 17th, 2001 - OPRR (Other people's road rage) and the Cassandra Complex

Yesterday, on my bus ride to work, we got stuck behind a lot of slow drivers. This is according to our bus driver, who was honking at everyone who had the nerve to drive (and slow down to turn right) directly in front of the bus. This was later bus than I usually take, so instead of screaming junior high kids (which on some days make me want to snap into substitute teacher mode and holler at them to sit down and be quiet) I had the honk of a bus driver suffering from road rage. Oh, and a crazy woman lecturing people on things that were going to happen to them. I found her very creepy, as she wasn't saying the same things to each person; they seemed be personally specific, and I was wondering if maybe she wasn't a modern day Cassandra, driven crazy by seeing futures in every stranger on the bus.

I stood up the stop before I was to get off, mainly because someone older needed my seat. I stood and watched through the big front bus window the responses to our bus driver's honking. Honk! Honk! Honk! The driver in front of us flipped her the bird in the same rhythm. Back and forth they went: Honk! Honk! HONK! Bird! Bird! Bird!

I started laughing then. Not my snide laugh, but big peals of laughter, the kind that my father once told me sounded like bells ringing. (That was my favorite compliment my father ever gave me, I think.) I covered my mouth, but I couldn't contain my mirth. The car in front of us turned and we pulled into the bus stop.

I was still laughing as I swung around the pole and began to exit the bus. My laughter had alerted Cassandra/crazy woman to my presence. She fixed me with a frightenly clear stare and told me, fervently, "Your husband is sleeping with another woman!"

I laughed in big guffaws, almost all the way to work.

Exercise log:

Writing log:

Working on sketching out a new story. It may or may not be spec fic. We'll see. It's definitely erotic.

I'm currently reading:

Fool's War by Sarah Zettel

On hold for now:

Henry and June by Anais Nin

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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