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Sunday I was annoyed most of the day at Todd, who was not home even thoughwe had agreed to hang out and buy used furniture together (it was the lastday I'd have David's car, Lily - my name for her. We're very close now.).He'd read my journal on Saturday, and assumed that I had made plans (Idon't think it says that) and was laming out on him. Goober. He came overand helped me cook some. We had pizza and talked about chicks.Fun.
Oh, Saturday's salute to Masturbation was great. It had some clips fromseminars where women teach other women to get off. So cool. You know thatthese people aren't being paid to fake it, as in pornos. There were allsorts of categories, including "self-sex with cars" that had a scene with ayoung lady and her club. There's a story there, I think. Too bad "Sex ToyTales" is already out, huh? Afterwards, Mary Anne introduced me to CarolQueen (she's so rad). Fun, to be part of such an event. It's certainlynot something you'd see in Indiana!
So, since I haven't includedFriday's entry yet (hey, MA, mail it to me, will ya?), y'all don't know thenews: I got a job!!! Yup. At Homefinders, in Berkeley. It's so nice towork for a small, Berkeley company, I can't even tell you. Fab-o. Thepeople are *way* cool, and when I stayed after this evening to learncash-out, I had more fun w/my coworkers than I've had since I've been inCA. We had a longish group convo about erotica v. porn ("If a man likesit, it's porn; women, erotica" and "Porn minus dick = erotica" for movies and "black & white = erotica, color = porn" for art/photography).Fun enough. The job? Well, it's too damn easy. Everyone keeps remarking"You're so quick, so smart!" Well, thanks. I'm hoping to convince them byFriday to give me at least *some* new, more difficult duties.
Ihave to wait until I go back to David's to read Mary Anne's journal. Ialso have to wait until I go over there to post this to my page. *sigh* Ineed to move this page anyway. Perhaps until I get this all straightenedout I should email these to David and have him update them for me.
So, tonight I write and clean my room. I just bought the new ToriAmos. S'ok, if a bit too industrial (oh, Tori!) for my tastes. Goodbackground on a lonely night.
Was getting spoiled there, what with acar and a nice computer and such. Oh, well. Work hard, save money. Atleast my love is back. :-)