html>Dear Diary . . . 5/15/98

Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Friday, May 15, 1998

Well, with my new job, today is my "Saturday". Last night, after a free Lorrena McKennit concert fell through (boo hiss), I wandered through the small town of Berkeley (which I finally see, now that I'm living in Oakland) to LanMinds, where Todd works, to join them in a company party to watch the last Seinfield. Did y'all see it? My main remark is that they're not ending the series; they've got it perfectly set up to have a "prison release" show next year! Oh, well, everything's a gimmick these days. TV strikes me hard these days, as I haven't had one where I'm living for almost a year.

Drank beer, hung out with Todd, missed the last BART, went to drink some more (Kettle One Vodka Collins - yummy, like lemonade with a fancy kick) at the dubiuos, frat-rat infested Shattuck hotel, then came back with Todd and crashed. I'm using his PC now (Aaaahhhhh, I still understand them *much* better than their Mac relations). We're going off for breakfast.

Following this is *last* weeks Friday journal entry, unpublished until now!!! There's a rant about sex in there I'd like to suss out into an article someday. Someday, when I know enough to write it with confidence.

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