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Monday, November 12th, 2001 - Just 'Nother Midwest Rant

The problem with generalizations is that there are always gonna be exceptions. In the case of yesterday's journal entry, the exception seems to be Minnesota, specifically Minnesota Nice. The extent of my experience with Minnesota Nice is from the movie Fargo, and while it fascinated me, I also found it a little creepy. Makes me wonder what they're really thinking, while they're being so pleasant. But it's preferable over being harrassed, that's true.

I've ranted about the Midwest here before, most notably in relation to my writing. Obviously, the Bay Area works for me in a way that the Midwest never did or would. My sister, who had sworn for years that she'd never move to California, now lives in San Francisco and is dancing 2 hours before and after work every day in hopes of bringing her previously (in the Midwest) extensive dance training up to local standards. I'm not saying that there aren't good or interesting dancers in Indiana - there are some amazing things being done - but there aren't as many of them. The Midwest can't attract as many world-class artists as a city like San Francisco can; there is, simply, more competition out here.

Franklin College was cozy. All of us "freaks" banded together, and it was a wonderfully tight-knit group; a kind of "us against the rest of the school" feeling that I don't get out here. Some of this is missing college, I suppose. But the pagans I knew back in Indiana - mainly at Lothlorien - they had the same feel as the group in college did. Out here, no, it's not as good. There are too many cool freaks - so many that they have to splinter off into sub-groups, and it can be hard to try to fit yourself into this role or that one.

Of course, I'm generalizing again.

I dunno. The Midwest has its good points, that's true. There are some things and people that I miss dearly in the Midwest. But, overall, the Bay Area works better for me. The main part of my rant yesterday was about it being assumed (in the Midwest) that I'm Christian. I'm not saying that people get in my face about it, or that I'm laying stuff on casual acquaintances that I'm not sure they can handle just to be "in your face" about my lifestyle. I'm just annoyed that it's assumed - with a good natured smile and friendly chatter - that I agree that praying for something will help it come true, or that God is watching over so-and-so. This is the kind of chatter that is meant as harmless, and if you already share these beliefs, you probably won't even notice it. But, it bugs me. Makes me uncomfortable, makes me feel like an outsider, and outlaw, like I'm doing something baaad. I don't have to tell these people about who I am and what I like and how many people I sleep with; I already know it wouldn't go over well. Occasionally, yes, I'll bend an ear with a wild story, but it's usually an ear that is at the very least, curious about the world I live in. And I have dear friends who know and love me and have no problem with the way I am. But for the most part, my openess about sexuality and my disagreement with Christianity is just plain sinful, smutty and wrong, wrong, wrong.

So, yeah, the Bay Area feels a lot better to me in that way.

Exercise log:

Went to gym with Tim; 20 good minutes on the precor, preceeded by stretching and followed by sushi. It was the first good-feeling workout in awhile, the kind that make me want to keep it up.

Writing log:

My Bibliography page.

Current Publications:

Indianapolis Guide at Written by me, edited by someone else.

In the Shade of You a poem at Speculon.

San Francisco City Guide at Written by me, edited by someone else.

I'm currently reading:

Anubis Gates by Tim Powers

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

My PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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