Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Saturday September 9th - Painted
Photo of Me and Ian at Burning Man

Yes, that's me on the right, next to Ian the Tiger. I didn't realize until I got the pictures back how well my copper clothing matched his skin. This was taken Saturday afternoon, after we came back from Center Camp where we were shivering as we were sprayed down with food coloring and water. (Kathleen sent me a photo of me painting the stripes on Ian, but that photo is huge and I'm still figuring out how to cut things down in Photoshop.) Right after this I performed my duties as a Wasabi Goddess. I loved having green skin, and I didn't wash this off until the next afternoon.

I'll post a photo gallery later today or tomorrow. I need to get off this computer right now, as I keep gravitating back to it and I'm going to be miserable if I keep spending most of my waking hours in front of it. Have I mentioned how spiffy it is? I bought it so I'd write more, but so far I'm just playing with graphics and stuff. Oh well. Eventually I'll write something - for now, I need to make myself unpack!

Exercise log:

Writing log:

I'm currently reading:

Children of the Wind by Kate Wilhelm
Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier
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