Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Monday September 11th - Geek Girl
I'll get the rest of the pictures up tonight, probably. I went to Kathleen's birthday party yesterday, and during the "art-n-crafts" section of the party (where we were supposed to bring knitting or beadwork or something like that) I whipped out my laptop and worked on cutting pictures down to size in photoshop. I felt like such a geek - it really isn't "me" to do that, usually I'm very artsy-craftsy - but I'm in love with my iBook and any excuse to use her/show her off I'll take. I didn't even bring the prints of the BM pictures to the party - I made everyone look at them on my laptop. I had fun airbrushing away some fat in one of my pictures, which David teased me about some. Anyhow, the picture in question is a topless photo, which I won't be posting. I honestly don't care if you all see my breasts or not, but the fear of attracting stalker-types is somewhat heightened after last week's window incident, so I guess I'll keep the nudity to a minimum.

The weekend (this weekend) was mellow, which is just about right for the weekend after Burning Man. I got lots done on Saturday - sorting/unpacking and cleaning off playa. David came over and we had a yummy meal of fresh salsa (tomatos and jalapenos from the garden) and white bean quesadillas. We hung out at my place awhile, which was nice. I put my green sheets on my bed, and made it up with all my pillows and my feather comforter . . . it just feels very decadent. I desperately need more living/storage space, but I'd managed to clear away most of the Burning Man post-mortem, so it felt amazingly cleared in comparison.

Sunday, laundry. Then the party, which I mentioned already. On the way home from the party, I stopped by David's place to hang out a bit. We had a very good talk - not the perfect talk, but we managed to dig below surface stuff and actually talk a bit about what's going on in our lives right now. I've been reveling in my friendship with David since I've been back from the Burn; I think I finally believe that he's a True Friend (one who knows all about you and loves you just the same), and I'm finding a lot of comfort in that. It also helps that he was determined not to "bring me down" after Burning Man - in other words, we've both been trying. And fighting less. I had some "revelations" on the playa, and it's nice to come back and have a safe space to start working on myself.

Anyway. I know, you'd rather have Burning Man stories. Soon, I promise.

Exercise log:

Does cleaning/gardening/laundry count?

Writing log:

Doo, doo-doo do, hm?

I'm currently reading:

Children of the Wind by Kate Wilhelm
Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier
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