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Monday September 18th - Greetings from La-La Land
Burning Man
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Hi. It's me. Just having a long, slow nervous breakdown for no good reason today. Thrilling. I can't leave work because I'm covering for Kimio, who is out physically sick. I can't seem to quit crying every 10 minutes or so. I can't seem to get my head together. My head hurts. I want to curl up in a ball somewhere and die. Is this what it feels like to go crazy? Does it come upon you all at once like this or am I just being melodramatic?

Please don't write in suggesting drugs. Remember how I feel about drugs.

Exercise log:

Walked around the Oakland Rose Garden with my heavy backpack (it had my iBook in it).

Writing log:


I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

Huysman's Pets by Kate Wilhelm

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