Cafe Rambleflower

Thursday, September 5th 2002 - Mush

It's been good lately. Work was a little stressful at first, but it's shaking off when I leave in the evenings, which it wasn't doing before the con. Sushi with Tim was almost ruined because I'd read a story on Boing Boing about a tapeworm . . .

Ok, does that happen to you? You're writing along on a journal entry and you go try to find something to link to and the next thing you know you've read 6 or 7 webpages? This is why I have trouble updating, folks, I get too easily distracted when I look up links!

Like how I assumed y'all have your own webpages?

Ok, I went and promised mushy poetry, and I suppose it's coming but you hafta read thru my disclaimers first, ok?

  • This is more meant to capture a moment/feeling than be serious poetry.
  • It's hard to format in html.
  • Was very tired on Monday when I wrote this. Had not slept enough at the Con and had burst into tears halfway across the BART parking lot because I couldn't stand another minute in the direct sunlight, no matter that it was cooler up here in Oakland. This was written later, after a much-needed meal and during an even-more-crucial non-fat latte (with raw sugar) while waiting to see XXX (chosen for it's mindless, easy-to-watch-without thinking qualities) on a crumpled brown napkin.
  • I still needed a nap.
  • And I'm still a little short of sleep


Trying not to stare
at old pros, the authors
of our childhood heros
the jumping off place
for our fantasies.

Today our dreams are bigger
we want to write the stories
have kids who can't read
yet come to our signings
want to meet
us at cons.

we want to rub elbows
have serious discourse
sling back G-'n-Ts
with these old pros.

But luckily,
we're all smart enough
to look at one another
and see tomorrow's old pros.
Fine friends from years
and years
of respect
and writing.

Thanks guys.
I'm honored to be
counted among

Exercise Log:

Walking to and from work. Swimming 15 laps last night. A bit of yoga on my morning breaks.

Writing log:

Oh, uh, several rejections lately, and for a change I let a few pile up this time. Sent out 3 stories (or will, tomorrow, when I drop them in the mail) including my very first overseas sub! Hello, IRCs! A bit of mushy poetry written.

Current Publications:

The Ever-After Book Shoppe (a collaboration with Tim Pratt in Slow Trains Literary Journal

In the Shade of You nominated in the long poem category for the Rhysling and will be reprinted in the 2002 Rhysling Anthology!

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I've been reading:

Currently Reading:

Pyramids by Terry Pratchett

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