Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, September 15th, 1999 - Hump Day
I'm wondering what to write today... My connection is as slow as it's been all week, so it's difficult to write. I spent a few hours of my evening last night having David decipher my auto insurance for me, but that's just so boring... Even straightening the clutter in my room is pretty dull (although it does relieve me to see some of the surface area of my desk emerge). Um, the garden is booming (the fennel is attracting yellow tiger tail butterflies) and we're begining to give away tomatoes (popular because we've got tasty yellow and green ones that most people don't have). But there's nothing specific I want to discuss.

Thanks to those of you who wrote me yesterday commending me on my openness about my sexuality. The support feels good. I need to start my sexuality webpage project - lord knows there's been enough juicy tidbits to have a rather interesting page by now...

I may update later today...especially if I get my Burning Man Photo gallery up and running. There are no nudes of me this year, but there's plenty of interestin' stuff. Everyone at work has been poring over them, which is gratifying. I have only half as many as last year, but it seems I captured much of the flavor of Burning Man.

Until later....

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