Dear Diary . . . day by day

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February 11th, 1999

David's leaving tonight. His sister, Beth, just had her second daughter last Saturday. She and her husband, Jay, named the girl Dana Pearl, after Beth's maternal grandmother (Pearl) who was also born on February 6th. I like that story; I find it touching. But what this means is that David is flying out for a week to see Beth and her new baby.
And, as much as I'm gonna miss him, boy do we need this break from each other.
I've kinda hinted that I've been irrationally jealous lately. And David has just come through a major life funk. In fact, bad things are happening all around us -- Jenna lost her grandmother, a friend of David's just lost her cat, another friend lost his grandparent and his cat. And it seems everyone is in some mood or another. Why, the three journals I read, Xeney, Columbine and Mary Anne have recently or are currently undergoing major bad moods of some sort. And my sister's life was so overwhelming she just up and left for Florida on one day's notice! Anyhow, David says it's just winter ("it picks them off"), but I dunno. Perhaps some major bad karma is coming down the millennium pipe, and all this is just the flag corps.* *You know I'm just kidding about that last stuff, right?
It's not been a good week.
This weekend is going to be full up. I think Saturday Karina, Mary Anne and I are going sightseeing in the City -- maybe the Japanese tea gardens and Asian Art Museum, then dinner, then we're off to MA's reading. MA has asked me to read part of a poem for two voices that she wrote last night.* So, we need to practice Friday night, I guess. I also wanted to try and see all sorts of people this weekend: Jenna, Byron, Ed, Ian... On Sunday, there's the St. Valentine's Day Massacre Party at the house. Jenna is going with me, and maybe Aron and Sharon, too. I haven't seen Jenna since October, and I think she'll have a lot of fun at the party. Friday and Monday, during the day, I suppose I'll be writing, since most everyone else will be working. That'll be nice: Prep time and Wrap up!
*Heh. Of course, I jumped at the chance, jealousy be damned in the face of opportunity. Bless her for putting up with me! I've been talking to her off and on all week, telling her exactly what about her drives me nuts with envy (admitting, of course, that this is not rational at all). I secretly (well, no more, huh?) wonder if she's letting me read this with her because she knows how jealous I am that she's getting all these readings these days. When she asked me to read, she said that she knows how much I like to read in front of people. She's trying for me. Yeah, I know, isn't she sweet? Do you see my problem?
What about the bridesmaid dress? Oh, well, the operation was a success. It took 20+ minutes a seam (with 8 seams, you can see what I did while I was home sick yesterday), but the dress is significantly roomier. Well, it still bunches a bit around the middle, but at least the hips fall where my hips *are*. And I can sit down AND breathe. Hell, by April 17th, I may actually be able to wear it for the reception as well as the wedding. But this style, while lovely, is not one I would ever buy for myself. Like I said, I'm the odd body size out in this wedding party --too curvy for the style Kellie chose. But, hell, aren't all bridesmaids dresses supposed to have something majorly wrong with them? At least she didn't put me in buttercream taffeta ruffles!
I know this journal entry is all over the place. But at least I'm writing one, right?
So, I've been thinking about this page. I know I've been sporadic in the past about putting up regular entries. I'm trying to be better about it now, and since I've been reading other's journals more regularly, I can see the benefit in that. David suggested I try a "notify" thing, like Mary Anne has. But until I can figure out how to make the system do it on its own, that will just add one more step* (in Eudora, no less) to an already lengthy journaling process. And, honestly, now that I'm putting up "Day-by-day" entries as well as monthly and current...well, I'm talking about a half an hour time commitment, even without writing the journal. Maybe Ed or somebody can teach me how to use "pixies" like Columbine does. Maybe, if my ancient machine can handle all this!
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