Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, February 24th, 1999

Ok, that cold I was telling you about? Kicked me in the ass Monday night, leaving me bed-ridden all of Tuesday (ugh - it's nice to have sick days, but I didn't want to have to use one so soon!). Now, I woke up this morning feeling much, much better, which made me brag all morning about how I fully believe that sleep is so vitally important to healing that your body really can't get well without it. I mean, I slept all of Tuesday, and felt so well this morning I thought I was cured! Of course, 'round about 1pm I start feeling icky again (achey, snuffly etc). So, half my lunch hour I spend in the nap room at work*. I felt better, but I'm still a little ill. I hate being sick. Hate it.*Yes! We have a nap room at work, complete with cushy futon, with matching pillows and blanket, a cool hanging chair/recliner thingie, stereo, books, mats, skylight...yes, my company is the coolest.
David picked me up from work today, so he can now verify how very cool Xinet is. I'm wary, though, 'cause he's in one of those moods where I wonder if he's got something he's not telling me. He's just sorta quiet, saying "nothing" when I pester him about "what's wrong?". Yes. I know, just shut up, Heather, and let him be. Otherwise he'll just get worse.
Oooh, hey, Simpsons is almost on ("that magic, magic time" as David just said. But he's only talking about the condiments). I'm watching too much TV these days. I watch Simpsons almost religiously from 6-7, and I used to watch the 11pm show, too (still will, if I haven't seen it), but now I go to bed too early. I finally caught "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (yes, I know I didn't put the Simpsons in quotes. Sue me.) last night, and I loved it! Funny, intelligently written, self-referential (what we used to call "post-modern" when we were English majors) etc. And, cute chicas who kick ass, which is always a plus. And goofy. Ok, I now see what the fuss was about.(I dunno. I think I like the asterisks better than all those parenthesis.)
Later (8:26pm): David was ok. He was just hungry. We just had a very personal discussion on our belly buttons. Well, his, and the amount of lint...
A short time later (8:45pm): Oh. Nevermind. David *did* have something on his mind, which he has just presented to me after much cuteness and clowning around. Dammit. I *knew* there was something he wasn't telling me earlier. You are now saved from excruciatingly loving descriptions of how much I love this complicated, introverted, and vexingly adorable man. Whew. You're lucky.
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