Cafe Rambleflower

Sunday, April 21st 2002 - Cinnamon and Sea Weed

I really meant to update yesterday, it being stoner's new year and all, but I figured you'd all have a heart attack seeing me update two days in a row these days, so it's 'cause I love you that I watied.


So, some more good poetry news! Erin accpeted my poem "The Twelve Dancing Princeses" for her anthology ( tentatively titled The Modern Art Cave)! Whoo! I'm a mad poetry sellin' fool! I'm havin' a Tim kinda weekend (i.e. selling stuff every two days or so). It rocks.

Now, if I can only keep it up.

A few nights ago, I was walking over to Susan's and I noticed this couple get out of the car down the street and start walking the same direction I was. They were both dressed in all black, and rather formally, he in a black boater (I think that's what it's called) and she in a swirling cape. What was strange (other than the fact that there's nowhere to go in our neighborhood in clothes such as these) was that they looked for all the world like Mary Anne and Sherman - she came up to his shoulder, had a long black braid and cinnamon skin, he was very pale and blond and slender. I kind of felt as if they were ghosts of people still living, ghosts of a time before I knew both of them -- maybe from U Chicago days, going to a show or something? Dunno. It was both spooky and lovely, and it left me wondering about trusting my eyes right now.

Yes, I'm all over the place tonight.

Spoke to David today; he got back to New York yesterday from his family's annual scuba diving trip to the Carribean (I know; rough life). This year he got to swim with whales, which is just so beyond my experience I can barely imagine how exciting that must have been. He said there were about 50 of them, migrating north a bit late in the year (usually they go past there around January). A bunch of people got out and swam along the surface, peering down at these huge, majestic creatures swimming effortlessly below them. Sounds really lovely. I guess he wore himself out swimming, as he got kind of sick towards the end of this trip. Still, I'd think it would be very worth it, you know? Very few people get to swim with whales in the wild.

It was both a lovely and an annoying weekend in ways I'm too tired to go into right now. One of my problems was thinking that I was going to get all this stuff done this weekend. As you can probably guess, I didn't get much of any of it done. Big sigh. Part of the blame can be laid on Net Flix. I joined recently, as we usually spend $20 on rentals and late fees, and with Net Flix it's a flat rate of $20 a month for as many DVDs as we can rent; the only catch is that we can only have 3 at a time. This weekend we watched Oz (first three episodes), La Placard, and Go -- all very good. We have the advantage that the DVDs come from San Jose, so it only takes one day for them to get to us. Pretty cool system.

Maybe I'd update more if Tim and I could spring for DSL and both be online at the same time. Sigh. He's hankering for the connection as we speak.

Yeah, I guess I should give up the line. Have a lovely week, y'all!

Exercise Log:

Forgot to mention walking through the City for 35 minutes (half of it uphill) on Wednesday night. Definitely counts. Did some cardio and lifted weights (chest and triceps) Friday night. Did some squats tonight while watching Malcom in the Middle.

Writing log:

Sold a poem to the Art Cave Anthology! Whoo! Further attmepts at new poetry are murky at best, but we'll see.

Current Publications:

In the Shade of You nominated in the long poem category for the Rhysling and will be reprinted in the 2002 Rhysling Anthology!

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I've been reading:

Fox Woman by Kij Johnson

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