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Monday, August 14th - Coming up Roses
What a weekend. Saturday a group of 12 (4 kids, 1 teenager, 7 adults) went to the Dragon Boat races at Jack London Square. Not that we watched much racing. We ate at the Spaghetti Factory (so-so food, great decor, very lush and gaudy), which was nice as it was out of the sun. The kids were all over the place, and I personally didn't see much of them. We "shopped" the various stalls - there was one cool thing I had to stop myself from buying: a vase with a beta fish in the bottom and a plant in the top. It's a closed system, so the fish is fed by the plant, which feeds off the fish's waste materials. Cool, eh? Anyway, it was $40 so I didn't go for it, though I really wanted it. Instead I bought a $3 bracelet and a very lovely $13 choker which Karen helped me pick out. I think Karen and I could have lots of fun shopping and doing girl stuff sometime; I should give her a call.

We ended up herding everyone back to Ian and Elle's, where we took a nice long time hanging out before doing cake and ice cream (Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream which Ian made - delicious!). I didn't get home until 9 or so, and after my shower I just didn't feel like doing much at all. My roomies had rented "Life is Beautiful" so I watched it with them. I didn't like how the main character lied to his child, but then again I don't need my art to always follow my personal morals/beliefs and how the hell could I know what *I* would do in such a situation?

Sunday David came over and we gardened. I'm still getting dizzy in the sun, and I'm thinking maybe we should move our garden time to later in the afternoon or earlier in the mornings, because I just can't do much mid-day in the unrelenting sun. It didn't help that we had spent so many hours in the sun the day before, either.

The evening was spent with Jeff at one of his housesits which was walking distance from the Oakland Rose Garden (I hadn't realized Oakland HAD a rose garden). We went to the garden after dinner and it was already dark, but the moon was full, illuminating the plants bursting with pale, fragrant blooms. We sat at the top of a fountain, and a neat black-and-white cat came straight up to me and jumped in my lap, purring as I pet him. I was thinking about "Cat Enchanter" and it freaked me out at the same time it made me proud. Boy, do I miss having cats. Another rival cat came up and I almost got mauled by the hissing claws of death that popped out of the cat on my lap. He safely chased off the intruder and came back to my lap; I felt so protected! Jeff and I talked about life, and I told him how touch-starved I've been feeling lately. On the walk back, he put his arm around me, saying, "Poor, touch-starved woman!". It was very friendly, very comforting. Jeff is such a good friend; I'm glad we're hanging out again.

Exercise log:

Writing log:

I'm currently reading:

The Clewiston Test by Kate Wilhelm

oh so slowly:
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delany

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