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Monday, August 21st - Anxiety
Well, I sent off my Apple Loan. Hopefully in a few days I will be getting my brand-new iBook SE! I'm very, very nervous, and I had nightmares last night about getting into debt (I also had that nightmare where Holly and David hook up, but I can't take that seriously when I wake up; scary sad when I'm dreaming it, though - shudder). I really don't like MacZone's return policy - if you have to return it because it's defective, they charge you a 15% restocking fee! That's about $300 for me, folks! AND, if you return something that isn't defective, the "restocking" fee jumps to 30%!! Excuse me? I really, really, really hope I'm happy with my iBook, that's all I have to say.

Yesterday was one of those days where I manage to sleep late (I really haven't been sleeping enough, so that's a good thing), get up, make a "to do" list, then putter around avoiding every last thing on that list. I finally started going through all my fabrics and patterns, thinking up a new costume for Burning Man (no, that wasn't on my list). I then proceeded to have anxiety about whether taking on a sewing project (one where I make my own pattern) is a good idea, considering how much stuff is sitting around, waiting for me to do it. Of course it's a bad idea! But, well, it's a creative project and it might help with my lack of industriousness. We'll see.

I owe tons of email, by the way. If I owe you, my apologies. I will write soon, I hope.

Argh. I need more than a to do list right now. I need a calendar. A schedule. A personal assistant (no, wait, a personal assistant would be annoying right now, I think). I think what I need is a new job after a nice, long vacation. I need more room. I need a filing cabinet and a file clerk (a cute, multifunctional one). I need a brain reboot.

Anyway, too scattered to be making much sense, I'm afraid. I'll chat at you later.

Exercise log:

Does pinching back the basil count? There were lots of bolting plants.

Writing log:

I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

The Clewiston Test by Kate Wilhelm

oh so slowly:
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delany

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