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Tuesday, August 22nd - Homesick
I think I know why I've been missing David and wanting to talk to him so much this time - I'm homesick. Hearing about Fran's wedding and how he's hanging out with old friends makes me remember how much fun Kellie and Brian's wedding was and how I miss everyone back home. I want to hang out with them, I want to visit with Daniel, Craig, Kris - not to mention my mom and my sister. I want to go workout with Mom, compare weight-lifting routines. I want to go dancing with Holly, get some new moves. I want to go camping at Lothlorien.

I might try to come home in late October - I'd like to see the trees all in fall color again. I can only do this if I can also afford to come home for Xmas. So, well, we'll see.

So, I went to workout at lunch, and I feel better. Part of the reason is that I gave Jan (pronounced "Yawn") here at work a ride, so I got to chat with him. Jan looks a lot like Karen's Par (pronounced Pear) and is probably from the same country, though I've never asked. Anyhow, Jan is so good-looking, outgoing and popular around here that I'm convinced he's totally out of my league. So imagine that short ride to downtown Berkeley as if I were in high school driving the star quarterback to go the garage to pick up his motorcycle - without the giggling, that is. We had a nice conversation, where he ranted about possesions and how the more you have, the more time, resources and energy you spend maintaining them (and he's right). I would never ask him out, but I can get a boost over a small conversation with him. And I did.

In other news, today Aqua Erotica hits the shelves. It's a waterproof book of erotica, and it sounds very cool. You should go buy a copy; it's getting rave reviews :-)

Exercise log:

Lifted weights - back and biceps. Also abs and a touch of calves. Then 20 minutes on course 4 on the elliptical machine - oh. my. god. I made myself finish, even with a cramp in my leg. Then I walked out on the treadmill. But, on the way home, I felt fantastic. Really, truly tingling and energetic and fit. Ahhhh.

Writing log:

I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

The Clewiston Test by Kate Wilhelm

oh so slowly:
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delany

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