Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, August 23rd - Somebody give me a timetable
I'm too busy. Work is insane, what with the tradeshow next week. Then there's Burning Man preperations, many of which must be started at least a week or two before departure; for a vacation, it sure is a lot of work! I also have some homework to finsih before my last writing class tomorrow night - not the least of which is a revision of Cat Enchanter, which I just can't concentrate on right now. I am going to skip my workout today and tomorrow to attempt to get that done, although I'm not really holding my breath; my problem is lack of concentration and focus, the lack of time is only a secondary factor. Yoga helped somewhat last night, but then I got caught and zoned out in front of Buffy, and then it was Faith on Angel, the one where she dances at the bar and starts beating the shit out of everyone while she gets down - it really underscores how I feel right now, that scene, and so I watched that episode until she collapses sobbing into Angel's arms at the end . . .

Why, yes, I am lame. Thank you.

Add to all this the fact that I'm having a hard time working with MacZone on when my laptop is going to be delivered. And let's not forget the ill-timed launch of Strange Horizons and the bookstore which is my duty; the work I've already done ismoot as I did it in Microsoft Word, which adds all these special characters which makes all my links invalid. I have to do this stuff at work on the nice iMac with the T-1 line, which is right out at the front desk, which is my least favorite place to work (save for the speedy connection/computer). I was hoping I'd get that laptop going, which might make it possible to do at home on a 56K modem. See how this all fits together? I also have to clean David's place (well, it's not so bad this time; I never had time to sew there) for his arrival tomorrow night (yay!). Not that I get to see him until Friday, when he's coming over for dinner and to admire our garden. That'll be nice, even if my place is a wreck (no time to clean). I'm hoping to rope him into helping me put up my new bookcases (actually, he's already agreed).

And then, of course, there's the Survivor party at Kimio's tonight. I'm bringing over fresh tomatoes (orange, red and yellow stripes, green and yellow stripes, yellow, red and orange cherry tomatoes) from the 20 or so I picked this morning; I'll top them with feta. But the real thrill will be finally ending the torture and finding out who wins. And not having to watch that show any more. Really, it screws with my Wednesdays.

By the way, my bet is on Kelly.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights at lunch yesterday - shoulders, sides and abs. After work I did yoga, even though I was exhausted; I needed the peace of mind.

Writing log:

I don't wanna talk about it right now. Sigh.

I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

The Clewiston Test by Kate Wilhelm

oh so slowly:
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by Samuel R. Delany

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