Cafe Rambleflower

Wedsday, August 20th, 2003 - A Quick Miaow

I picked out good kittens. Seriously, they rock. Aesthetically, one is all sleek and black, with clean white underside and paws (not to mention smoke rings along one side) and the other is soft and fluffy and orange. Both have greenish/ gold eyes. Both purr alot, though really all you have to do is touch Zanzibar to start him purring, while Marzi is more skittish. Feed Zanzi, he purrs; pick him up and shove pills down his throat, put eye drops in and smear ointment right on his little eyeball? Purring the whole time. I feel like he really appreciates having a nice, warm home where he's fed and cared for so well. When he reclines on me to let me pet him, he's completely relaxed into me, rumbling so loudly it feels like a massage. He's wonderful. Marzi will let me pet her belly, laying back on my legs until her little head is looking upside down and her paws are stretched over her head. Cat enchanting. I forgot how wonderful kittens could be. 

Their collars are still adjusted almost as small as they can go. Unfortunately, both kittens have figured out how to claw or bite the loose bit and pull to choke the other one. Yes, I have them in breakaway collars, which means that every so often I hear choking noises coming from the other room and occasionally I find a collar with no one in it. sigh. Once they're full-size, I'm going to sew them, so at least it doesn't pull to such a small ring before breaking off; it's too easy for them this way. I know they're supposed to pounce and fight and stuff, but I just can't take the strangling -- seems terribly un-kittenish, you know?


Another good thing about the new apartment is the bathtub, where I can relax for an hour or so in a hot bath and not have the faucet behind my head. Nice, big bathtub. I already own two different bubble baths, and I'm dying to go to Lush with my friend Richard (who always gets insanely good deals from a clerk there who fancies him). I really really want a rose bath bomb.

Another nice thing is all the privacy.

Oh, ok, I know it's been awhile since I updated and I really do feel bad about it, but I need to upload this now and work on stories for the Oregon workshop this weekend. Which I am going to the day after tomorrow. Yay!

See? i'm not making any sense now anyway. Ciao!


Donate money to my teeth, our moving fund, our wedding fund, or our writerly projects (Floodwater and Flytrap!). Every little bit helps!

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