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Saturday, December 8th, 2001 - Writer's Block

Well, I had good intentions. This week turned out to much, much busier than I expected it to be. I also have trouble spending time at the computer at home when I'm on it all day at work. Sigh.

Tuesday I met my sister in a bar after work. We had such a good time chatting that it made me wonder why we don't do something like that more often. The reason we were meeting that night was that her boyfriend, Justin, had special plans for me for my Xmas present. 'Course, he forgot, so it was a good thing Holly was there to call him and remind him that he should come get me and bring me to my surprise.

The surprise fits in with my recent theme of meeting science fiction writers: a beginning writer's workshop with Robert Anton Wilson.

It's just too bad that I not only have not read any Robert Anton Wilson but I had absolutely no desire to ever read him after the "workshop". Ah, well. It was a sweet idea, and it is the thought that counts.

Later that night, Tim and I stayed up and watched the first three episodes of the Soprano's second season. Wednesday was dinner followed by the next three episodes. Gods, that is a brilliant show.

Thursday we had these big plans to eat and do laundry, but Tim got sick (or really sleepy) and slept from 6pm until 8am the next morning. I maintain that his body was fighting off becoming ill, but he disagrees. I wrapped his presents, which look all sparkly and pretty under the Xmas tree.

Last night turned into our date night. We went up to Berkeley, had burgers and fries at Mel's diner, then went to see Monsters, Inc. I was utterly charmed by the movie at the time, but this morning I found all sorts of things wrong with it. The big issue I have with this adorable movie is that the only adult woman character with any power whatsoever was a disgusting slug. Literally. I have to admit, I liked the ditzy secretary if only for her medusa hair (so cute!). Any way, I wouldn't mind if the films that are being made for children in this day in age showed more balanced gender roles; Monsters, Inc seemed as if it was set in the 1950's instead of 2001. Sigh.

Today, a lovely walk and lunch with Susan. As usual, it makes me wonder why I don't hang out with her more often. Her busy grad school schedule is only part of an excuse.

I should go now, as I have to meet a bunch of writers up at the Albatross to celebrate the publication of Ken Wharton's book, "DIVINE INTERVENTION". Ah, the company of writers!

Exercise log:

Walking over the hill and back again. Discovered a lovely little city park today, which is a bonus.

Writing log:

Need to find a place to send "Janitor's Night Dive".

My Bibliography page.

I'm currently reading:

Starlight 3 edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Brilliant selection so far.

Weaveworld by Clive Barker

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

Holiday Cards, Greetings and Gifts (all optional, of course) to:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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