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Thursday, February 17th, 2000 - California Citizen's Checklist - Heather's Answers

Section 1: Your Health

Please list the names of the following:

  • Your "regular" doctor: Dr. Bruce
  • Your homeopathic doctor:
  • Your chiropractor: Dr. Ann (was Dr. Steve)
  • Your acupuncturist: Kathy
  • Your massage therapist:
  • Your yoga instructor: Kalidasa
  • Your martial arts instructor:
  • Your therapist/counselor:
  • Your midwife:
  • Your guru:

Section 2: Your leisure time

Please list three local hot tub places you enjoy, your favorite first:

  • Kiva
  • Piedmont HotSprings
  • Albany Hottubs

Please list three retreat/resorts you have either experienced or enjoyed or have heard about and have been meaning to check out:

  • Harbin HotSprings
  • Fern Canyon
  • Wilbur HotSprings

Have you tried any of the following:

  • Hang gliding? No
  • Mountain/rock climbing? Some rock hopping, but nothing close to a Mountain Dew commercial
  • Surfing? No
  • Snowboarding? No
  • Wind surfing? No, but I think I might like it
  • Clubbing? No, but I keep meaning to
  • Bay to Breakers? No

Are you comfortable being naked...

  • ...alone? Yes
  • ...with your partner(s)? Yes, if I had any current partners, I'm sure I would be
  • ...around your friends? Yes
  • ...around acquaintances? Yes
  • ...around strangers/in public? Probably
  • ...around your coworkers? Most likely

Have you ever been to a nude beach? No, but I keep meaning to

How many times have you gone to Burning Man? Twice

What's the longest time you've spent at Burning Man?

  • The weekend of the burn only.
  • From Thursday on.
  • From Tuesday on.
  • The whole week (Monday - Sunday/Monday).
  • Most of the week, but I left on Thursday before the weekend yahoos showed up.

Section 3: Your belief systems

Do you have a religion you identify with? Yes, Pagan

If yes, do you regularly attend church/rituals? Not since leaving Lothlorien

Have you had your tarot cards read in the past 6 months? No

Why not? Too expensive for something I only sorta believe in.

Is your aura balanced or have you ever gone to have it balanced? Nope

Please list any workshops you have attended since moving to California: None that I can think of at the moment

List three causes you've gone to bat for:

Did you fly to Seattle to protest WTO? No

Why not?

Didn't want to waste the vacation time, to be honest.

Please list any activities or classes you enjoy on a regular basis: Yoga

Please list any activities or classes you don't enjoy, but still attend on a regular basis because you think you ought to: That damn Unix class

Please list any activities or classes you don't enjoy, don't attend, but regularly feel guilty about skipping out on anyway: Working out at the YMCA - belly dancing too, though that's something I usually enjoy but am too lazy to go to

Do you speak any language other than your native tongue? No..that's sad, isn't it?

How many languages can you identify when overhearing them in conversation? Several

Do you give money to homeless people?

  • Yes, all the time.
  • Only when they're doing something constructive, like selling "Street Spirit" newspapers.
  • Only if they guilt me into it.
  • Only if they're polite.
  • Only if I don't see them everyday and am sick of their pitch.

Section 4: Your technological savvy

Do you have a pager? No

Do you have a cell phone?

No, but I'd get one of these before I'd get a pager. How many "free minutes" do you have a week?

Do you have an internet connection in the office?

Yes Do you have a connection at home? Yes

How fast is/what is your connection?

  • 14.4
  • 28.8
  • 56K
  • ISDN
  • DSL
  • T1
  • Cable modem
  • Huh?

Do you have your own webpage? Yes

If yes is it:

  • To sell something
  • Just a homepage I never change
  • A magazine I run with other folk
  • An online journal

How many hits do you get a day? Around 30

Do you know what trolling is? Yes

How many newsgroups/ forums do you read/post to daily? 2

How many websites do you read daily? 5 or 6

How many of your browser's bookmarks have you looked at only once and then forgotten about (estimate)? dozens and dozens

How many email accounts do you have? 5? 6?

How many do you actually read? 2

Eudora, NetscapeMail, or Pine? Pine

Make a smiley face for me: :-)

Make a better smiley face, dammit: <+:-}

Do you know what IMHO means? Yes (In My Humble Opinion)

How about YMMV? Yes (Your Mileage May Vary)

BTW? By the Way

RTFM? Read the Fucking Manual

Section 5: Your living situation

How many people live in your house? 3

How many of them did you know before you moved in? 0

Is your kitchen vegan or just vegetarian? It would be vegetarian if we could tame Aron

Do you stick to your "chore wheel"? Not since Sharon left for her internship, not really.

Have you ever lived in a commune or communal-living situation? Unfortunately

How many kitchen appliances/utensils/dishes did you lose while living in the commune? Most of the ones I had out here at the time.

Do you have to sleep with earplugs because:

  • your bedroom is right next to the kitchen?
  • your house is right next to a main road/highway?
  • your roommates snore and your house has cardboard-thin walls?

Do you pay over $400 a month for your shared living situation? Just about, yup.

If yes, do you consider this a real bargain and are afraid to move for fear of not finding a rent this low again? Yup; I'll never find a place this low with a garden - not this close to BART.

Do you own a car? Yup

Do you own a bike? An old one, yeah.

Do your roommates give you a dirty look when you pass up the bike to drive the car instead? They've seen my bike, they don't expect me to ride it often

Do you have a TV in your house? Yes.

Are you allowed to watch it

  • whenever you want?
  • only for preapproved TV shows?
  • only when watching rented videos?
  • only when your roommates are not home/out of town?

Do you have your own phone line? Yes

Do you know your roommates' phone numbers? Not really

Section 6: Personal style

How long have you owned your Birkenstocks?

How many times have you had them resoled?

How many pairs of sandals do you own?

Hippie, gothic or punk?

Or are you just a yuppie?

Don't tell me you're a dot-com-er?

Will you date outside your social clique (example: if you're a hippie, would you date a punk-rock girl)?

Describe the appearance & location of your tattoos:

How many piercings do you have, & where?

How many have you had to get pierced multiple times because your body keeps rejecting the piercing stud/hoop/bar?

What color is your hair?

What color was it last week?

What color was your hair originally?

Have you ever had bi-colored hair?

Was it in streaks, spots or something else entirely?

Men: do you have a goatee or a full beard?

Do you tie your hair back, or leave it loose?

Women: have you ever had a buzz cut?

Have you ever worn butterfly clips?

Section 7: Your sex life

Have you tried polyamory?

If no, are you pretty sure you know what polyamory is?

Do you have poly friends?

If yes, please list three possible benefits of polyamory:

If you have tried polyamory, list three awkward situations you've experienced:

Name three new kinky things you've tried since moving to California (non-natives only):
Are you bisexual?

Were you bisexual before moving to California? If no, what caused the change?

Have you ever been invited to a sex party?

Did you go?

Why or why not?

How many sex toys do you own?

What would you estimate the net worth is of your sex toys?

Have you seen:

  • Deep Throat?
  • The Devil and Miss Jones?
  • Behind the Green Door?

True or False: 1970's porn has nothing over the sleek new porn of today.

Can you comfortably watch a porno with your housemates?

List three of your favorite sex toy stores:

  • Good Vibrations

Do you care if your housemates overhear parts of your sex life?

Do you (and your partner, if applicable) wish you had the guts to invite your housemates to join?

Do you refrain from extending the invitation because you're afraid of hurting the feelings of the housemate you would NOT invite?

Have you ever witnessed a sex act?

Have you ever witnessed a live sex act other than your own?

Have you ever been watched while performing a live sex act?

My answers

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