Cafe Rambleflower

Tuesday, February 19th 2002 - Alphabet Soup

If you don't read Tim's journal, you maybe haven't heard: Tim's story, "Annabelle's Alphabet", is being reprinted in Datlow & Windling's The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror which is a huge honor. I'm very happy for him; this isn't something I'd quite expected for him yet (neither had he), though I have noticed he's had a very good streak lately. Very cool and very exciting.

This comes a day after he found out the same story is going to be in The Best of the Rest antho that covers small preses. And he was accepted into Michael Kelly's Songs From Dead Singers anthology with a story he wrote in the past week or so just for this anthology. People, on Monday he complained to me that he "hadn't sold anything in awhile". I told him he wasn't allowed to complain about that again for a month, but he disagrees. He's a hard-wired writer.

In response or perhaps defense I finally sat down and did some writing: 2400 words of the body story, a rewrite I'm pretty sure I'm using. To be fair, this spurt started because Susan put out such a sweet plea for help on a rainy afternoon, I couldn't resist helping. She got 14 people to respond, 12 of whom sent stories. I think that's a very impressive number!

Also accomplished today was a neat bit of synchronicity in the afternoon. I received my first book for review for today, at work. It's a pretty cool little number called "The Lazy Crossdresser" by Charles Anders. The name struck me, and, sure enough, it's the same Charles Anders I was going to meet with Mary Anne for coffee after work (just down the street, as it turns out). (Sorry about the parsing difficulties. I grow tired and I've yet to think of a title for this entry . . . ). Anyway, I had a lovely time chatting with Charles, who writes both erotica and speculative fiction (I really enjoyed his story, "Not to Mention Jack" that is over at Strange Horizons).

I went home after coffee, even turning down a free meal just to come home and snuggle my Mr. Good News, Best of Boy, sweet, darling Tim. I'm so proud of him.

Exercise Log:

Shagging seems to come with good news sometimes.

Writing log:

2401 words on the body story; might not keep any of what I've already written; this is half done now.

Current Publications:

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I'm currently reading:

Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
One of the perks of toting this book around is the very hot photo of China on the back. Yum. Another perk is really, really good story.
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