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Saturday, January 15th, 2000 - A Carjoious Night
I'm sorry that this has been a blank space for so long. I've found my lanminds connection to be so distressingly slow and frustrating lately! I lost an entire entry called "Createve Overload" which I was rather fond of, and the connection hangs everytime I try to write. I know, I should just write these offline, but it seems the only way I get around to doing it is when I write directly in my shell account.

So, Friday night Carol and Jodi had their housewarming party. The party itself was fine - they had bought several board games for us to play, one of which, "Battle of the Sexes" amused us endlessly with it's sexist playing cards:

Female: You resist nagging him, go ahead 2.

Male: You don't mention the cleavage on that blond jogger, go ahead 3.

Female: You get another parking ticket, go back 3...

You get the idea.

We piled into the minivan they'd rented to drive down to Kiva. Outside Kiva, we were greeted by a drunk man insisting he was part of our group. Even after Jodi told him to his vface he wasn't invited, he still hung around and tried to pretend like we knew him. It was very, very sad. He pounced on every new arrival, trying to latch on and gain entrance. He was left outside when we finally all went in.

Later, the few girls were the only ones to return to Carjoi's house (around 4am). We sat around and discussed the evening:

Sharla: Have you ever seen so many penises?

Me: Yeah, there was too much dick in the hottub.

Lyd: They all look so funny...

Carol: Yeah, there were some SAD lookin' pensises around there...

Sharla: Yeah, they look so funny anyway, all that hair then that long, pale finger of flesh...ewwww...(to imaginary owner of finger of flesh:) don't you wish you had a beautiful vagina like me?

Jodi: Sorry, guys, I know a lot of men!

Me: Men! Where? You mean Dan and Scott, 'cause those were the only decent, mature men at the party!

Sharla: What was with that little snakey guy?

Me: Oh, gods. It got so bad I just had to get up and leave whenever he approached the area I was in.

Jodi: I'm sorry, did he hit on every woman at the party?

Me: Yep.

Sharla: Hell yes.

Lyd: Yeah...

Carol: Well, he seemed cool when we met him at Kiva last week...

Sharla: He was all like, "Getting invited to someone's private Kiva party is a very intimate thing..." like we were supposed to do him or something....I hate guys, they're all like, "let me stick it up your butt".

Me: He said that to you?

Sharla: No, but that was the attitude.

Me: He wanted to talk about poly with me, but I think he was mistaken into thinking that I was going to do more than talk...and then he's all like, "I'm sory, Heather, I'm getting a weird vibe from you on this...". It's just a reflection, dude.

Lyd: Yeah, he was all apologizing all night long...

Me: FOLLOWING ME AROUND and continuously apologizing while still trying to hit on me.

Jodi: I don't think he'd ever met an inteligent woman before...

Me: Yeah, well, all I said to him was, "Does everything that is not a dichotomy fall under the category of a taoist principle?" and he was all, "You've just shattered years of philosophical thinking for me."

Carol: Years? He's only 21!

Me: That explains a lot.

That was all reconstructed, of course, and is certainly not verbatim. But, well, you get the idea. It was a lot more fun after the hottubs with only girls than it was during. Not that we don't like men - like I said, Dan and Scott are good friends of ours and were a pleasure to be around (and get backrubs from - thanks Dan!), but the ratio of decent men to these juvenile 20-something boys was far too small. Maybe it was the scattered sending out of invites (Ian and Elle didn't come and I think it's because they never got around to sending an email their way, which is too bad...Elle's great with little boys like that). Maybe we just needed more women.

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