Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Thursday, July 1st, 1999 - Road Rage & Holiday Weekends
David is out of town for the weekend. He's in Chicago, staying with my Uncle Jimmy (in an apartment I haven't even seen yet) so he can go to Roshani's wedding. I had a weird anxiety dream about this and the people involved last night. I think I was grinding my teeth, because my head/ear hurts again. It's weird; sometimes strong emotions don't go away even when you think they have. I hate this. Hate it. It just don' jive with my happy mood these days, y'know? I feel like I have small demons inside me, just waiting for their trigger word so that they can come out and turn me into an ugly person again. Why do I feel like this? Why doesn't it stop? Argh.
Add to that the fact that I have David's car and have been driving around a lot in the hell that is Bay area traffic, and it's a wonder I've not gone postal. People around here just don't know how to drive. In just two days I've accumulated so many little annoying/dangerous driver stories that I can't even list them here. I can't imagine driving around here when I'm older - my reflexes wouldn't be good enough. It's just commonplace for morons to stop in the right lane and back up a block for that parking space they just wizzed by. I mean, I know parking is scarce (I allow at least 20 minutes now for parking alone), but if you're looking, then don't drive so damn fast that you miss the spot, ok?

Deep breath. Ok.

So, tonight I buy a new bed! I've been sleeping on a bent-up futon frame (bent during a not-that-wild session the second night I owned it) for a year now, and my back won't take it anymore. I found a nice, hardwood mission-style frame for $220, and I'm putting off my student loans to buy it now. It's not a futon frame, but it has slats that will hold my futon until I can afford a mattress.
My weekend is already full up, as we say in Indiana. Tonight I'm going to a party in San Francisco with Rebecca and Corn Man. Tomorrow I'm swimming out at Corn Man's mom's farm (where we can skinny dip - so I have to remember the sunscreen). Saturday night I plan on cutting out the fabric for my new quilt (I spent $100 on the fabric for this quilt - all velvets, crepes, brocades and sueded rayon in blue, green, maroon, white and brown) while I still have the space to spread out in David's apartment. Sunday I pick up David mid-day, then I'm off to another exclusive San Francisco party with R&C. Monday, well, Monday is as yet unplanned. Perhaps I'll page Stephen, a journal reader who is housesitting in the area right now, and we can meet for coffee. I'm nervous but intrigued -- I'm already self-conscious about meeting someone who knows me only by what I've written here. He sent a very nice email, though, so I'm pretty sure he's not a serial killer. I wish I'd thought to page him during the work week, though, so I could leave him my work number, just in case :-) Of course, the temptation is to bring him over and show him my garden, as it's just thriving right now....
Oh! The garden! Ok, I'll have to get scanning soon because we've got a picture a week from the garden and the little dirt plot has gotten just full and green and lush. I put row covers on the peppers and it worked! We've got small fruit on all the pepper plants now. The Early Girl tomato might have edible tomatos within the week, and the Golden Peah even has little green fruit started. The snowpeas are at the end, but we're still eating lettuce and have made two pestos now from the basil. All the herbs are thriving. My velvet-red snapdragons are booming among the delicate blue-n-cream columbine, making a very striking bed. My sweetpeas are blooming, too, all white, red and blue. Really, I didn't mean to have such a patriotic garden, but with the blue lobelia, red geraniums, sweetpeas and such, that's what I have. The far flower bed - the scatter garden - has medium sized green plants that look very promising. They should be orange and stuff, too, to cut this silly patriotism. I've got my morning glory and four o'clock seedlings set in behind all these flowers, so by the end of the summer it should just be marvelous, darling, marvelous.
Ok, well, I should go! Have a lovely holiday weekend my doves!
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