Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Tuesday, July 20th, 1999 - Happy Birthday, Mom!
The thing about having an online journal is that when your life gets too hectic to update regularly, you have this overwhelming sense of guilt. Hm, why the second person, Heather? Oh, dear, now we've got third person! Whoops, first person plural!
ANYhow, as you can see, I'm in a bit of a zany mood. I wanted to chat about how I understand why Xeney took off for a few months. If I knew it would be three weeks before I updated again, believe me, I'd rather post something here for you, so you know when to check back. But I never know; it just happens like that, y'know?
I bought the new bed. Ahhh. There was a snafu in picking it up, but that story is old now and I'm no longer passionate when I tell it. But my back feels much better. I've been sleeping better, but that has to do more with less stress than the flat surface, I think.

Actually, I just got done with another period of stress. David's off to Utah the week before my mom gets here, and he's not coming back until AFTER she arrives. I know I'm being a big baby, and I'm almost over it, but where's the support, I ask you? My best friend is leaving town just when I need him to do emotional damage-control. Hmmm. I think it's a conspiracy, just so he won't have to deal with me wailing, "What am I going to tell mom about X?"

(And don't think I'll be dishing here. One of the reasons I've been lax with journal entries is that I've realized that my mom is coming to visit soon and that my life is, well, WEIRD. Do any of you, as a parental visit approaches, begin to view your life through your folk's eyes? Oh. My. God. I mean, I think I'm harder on myself than mom will be, but I wake up in the mornings feeling, well, depraved. My midwestern upbringing is giving me nightmares. Hmmmm. I should call Kellie. She's always been good running morality interference.)

Last night I gave Kaylei another ballet lesson. Today the ballet class CD FINALLY arrived from Sigh. Ah, but last night marked the first night that I took her to the House for her lesson, and it did wonders for discipline (I had been trying to get her to do barre work in her own living room - far too many distractions for a 9-yr-old). She just amazes me. I'll teach her a new step and inwardly cringe at how difficult it is for her to do (I forget these things, seeing as how I learned this stuff almost 20 years ago). The next week, when I have her show me the step again, her form is better. Much MUCH better. Lydia (her mom) says that she's very good about practising - when she's told to. So, this week I gave her an assignment - she should practice her splits twice a day. She HATES the splits (not that I blame her) so the sooner we have her doing them, the better. Splits are essential in ballet. In fact, you have to practice pass splits, where the front foot rests on something a few inches to a few feet above the ground, in order to get that perfect split in the air when you leap. Kaylei understood the concept, but still made that face. Oh well. Tough.
A garden update should go here soon. It's really amazing.
I've run out of time for this entry. I hope to update again soon, really, I mean it!
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