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Tuesday, June 13th - Right of Way

Had a good night last night hanging out with Jeff. We had dinner in a Mexican restaurant then went to Cato's for beer. Yum. I stayed up much too late, as we were having one of those conversations that just sorta rambles all over the place into the wee hours of the morning; it reminded me of college.

I'm not tired today, however, probably because of this morning's excitement:

Got in a minor car incident this morning. A car decided to turn left in front of me as I was going through a green light. I slammed on the horn and my brakes, and since I don't have anti-lock brakes I fishtailed sideways, gaining control just in time to stop from side swiping the other car. He took a swerve into another car, so there was damage and exchange of insurance info. He tried to blame it on me - first he told me I was running a red, to which I replied, "Oh, come on; if it was red, what were *you* doing turning left on a red?" The next fault he came up with was that I must have been speeding - nope, doing the speed limit I told him calmly. Then he tried to tell me that I had swerved out from behind the bus (which was in the right lane) - "No, I remember quite clearly seeing the bus when I turned from MacArthur, and I changed into the left lane way back under that overpass back there." Finally he admitted he just didn't see me coming - he had been watching the bus and had decided he could turn before it took off from picking up people from the stop.

I was shaking after the accident had cooled a bit. Both men (the one in that had been turning left and the one that got hit by the first guy) were concerned - "Are you ok? You're shaking." "Yeah, I was calm during the accident, but now my body is processing the stress from it." By the end of the info exchange we all shook hands and told each other how relieved we were that no one was hurt or seriously damaged. If we hadn't kept our wits about us, it would've been a *very* major accident; it was my driver's side that would've gotten crushed if we'd had impact. *shudder*

Still, I'm proud of myself - I held my boundaries and my power, and I didn't let that man bully me into accepting blame - there was simply no blame on my part and I was having none of it from him. I felt very in control, rational and adult. It was a good feeling, aside from the near-danger part.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights: Back and biceps day. I also did a fair amount of abs work, not to mention walking later in the evening.

I'm currently reading:

The Fall of Atlantis by Marion Zimmer Bradley
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