Cafe Rambleflower

Friday, June 13th, 2003 - Giving up the Nest

Hiking at night with Todd is an old tradition, one that dates back a decade ago when we were in college. Thing about hikes/ walks with Todd is that they always end up going a lot longer than you'd intended, almost always because you're having so much fun talking and what not that you forget to turn back . . . The last time I'd hiked with Todd I couldn't walk for three days afterwards and could barely even finish the hike itself.

Last night we drove up to Sibley park and took a hike in the fog up in the hills. It was absolutely beautiful, in a soft, fuzzy sort of way. There's a hill up there that used to be a volcano, and there wasn't too much in the way of trees, but that's not a problem at night. We climbed to the top of a hill and looked out through the moonlit fog at the valleys full mist; it sorta looked like something out of Lord of the Rings, though it seems cheesy to make that comparison. It was chilly, but not really cold. It felt as though we were utterly alone, in another world. There was a clean, wet smell, sometimes tinged with eucalyptus, sharp and tingly. It was way cool.

When it looked like we were starting to get lost, I made Todd try to find our way back. Because of this, the hike seemed to end too early, though today I'm very very glad it was over when it was, since I'm sore, but not too much. We drove around in the hills for awhile, and Todd showed me some of the bike routes he goes on. He keeps telling me I need to get a bike to join him on these hilly rides, but I don't think I'm that kind of masochist. I like my pain much lazier than that, thanks.

I came home and read Ellen Klages' The Time Gypsy which I really liked, even if I found a couple of plot holes. I snuggled in my bed, and realized that I've managed to make myself a little nest this week -- I'm surrounded on all sides by pillows, with several stuffed animals hiding among them for snuggling when I'm lonely. I've got books tucked under the pillows so I don't have to get up and find something to read. It's all covered over with the white mosquito netting and it's very cozy. As happy as I'll be to have Tim back, I'm gonna miss my nest.

Yeah, I know, I'm never fully satisfied.

It's all downhill from here. Tim will be back the day after tomorrow. Actually, after 10:06 yesterday morning, I've felt a great weight lift, since I was past the halfway mark of his trip. Not that I was counting. I'm waking up, realizing that I haven't even started on all the things I'd wanted to do while he was gone. I'm looking forward to seeing him, but it no longer seems like such an achingly long time away.

Tim had his critique today, and it went well. The group told him he could sell the story as-is, though they had a few suggestions to make it better if he wanted to do them. Then Tim told him it was a first draft, thus inspiring awe and jealousy. Hee. He's good at inspiring awe and jealousy. And they're right -- he writes damn good first drafts. It's sickening.

Mmm, I love him.

I got to pass along some rather good news to Tim tonight, but since it's his thing, I'll make you all wait and hear it from him. He's very happy. I'm very happy for him.

I've lost a pound a day while he's been gone. I'm hardly wasting away, but it does make me hope I can keep it up when he comes back. Unlikely, though, since I've been pretty damn hungry all week long and when he comes back and takes care of me again, I'm likely to give in and eat the carbs again. He's all about the comfort food.

But, you know, I seem to write more when he's around, too (well, yeah, he's a good influence). So it all balances out nicely in the end. At this point in my life, I'd much rather be fat and writng and with Tim than thin and alone and doing nothing with my life.

I can't wait 'till he comes home on Sunday!

No lions, only fog-induced hallucinations.

Exercise Log:

Hiking at night in the fog! Whoo!

Writing log:

Getting back to work on the YA Novel.

Words written since last entry: 931
YA Novel Wordcount: 19,064

Current Publications:

"Famishing" in Strange Horizons. My first pro sale!

"Wetting the Bed" and a collab with Tim Pratt, "A Serious Case of Fairies" in Floodwater

Donate money to my teeth, our moving fund, our wedding fund, or our writerly projects (Floodwater and Flytrap!). Every little bit helps!

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