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Wednesday, March 1st, 2000 - Spain
Well, I did it. I bought my tix to Spain! I'm going I'm going I'm going!

Have I ever told you guys I've never been out of the country before? Nope, not even to Canada or Mexico. I've always felt so ... lame ... about this; I mean, I'm a wordly person, rather open minded, liberal in the extreme on some counts - you'd think I would've travelled before now, now wouldn't you? But I haven't. Never saved up enough for those college semesters abroad, never got my passport before now (I'm actually - gulp - still waiting on that, but they assure me it'll be here the end of this week), never managed a road trip to Toronto (while living in Indiana) and never managed a road trip to Mexico or Vancouver (living here in California). I guess this is all due more to poor money management skills than lack of desire, but I still regret not travelling before now.

Let me just say I'm both proud and afeared that the first country besides my own that I visit will be one where English is not the main language. I'm brushing up on my Spanish phrases, but my pronounciation is just terrible, I know it. (I think this is just a visual/oral failing of mine; I'm awful about pronouncing unfamiliar English words that I read in books. I've always got my own little "mind" pronounciation which often is unpronouncable. I try not to get embarrassed about it, but it doesn't help that I don't retain the correct pronounciation when folks correct me. Man, oh, man I'm wishing I'd stuck with Spanish instead of taking French in college. Spanish, at least, was a little easier to pronounce.) I'm hoping for kind Spanish nationals who will appreciate my efforts and find me endearing and not pathetic. I know I'm going to blush a lot.

Oh! What a challenge! This is going to be FUN! AND educational and enlightening and EMPOWERING!!! (yes, I hate that word too, but sometimes it works.)

Thing is, Mom and I haven't heard from Holly since 2/21! Mom is considering cancelling her trip (she was going next week) because she doesn't want to go alone and risk missing Holly altogether. I can relate; I'll be peeved if I miss Holly, too. But, well, for me, this trip is a challenge as well as a much needed vacation; if I have to do the entire trip by myself, I'll just be that much prouder of myself when I get back. More proud? Anyway, I'm also willing to get there and email Holly from MY yahoo account, and try to hook up with her once I'm in the country. A little more difficult, sure, but it's totally possible. I also have the advantage that many travellers will be in my age group. I think. Hell, I have no idea.

Anyway, I called mom at work today to try and give her some moral support. I also offered to travel with her one week out of the two I'll be there. Sightseeing with Mom would be great; if you don't know any librarians personally, let me assure you they do thouroughly awesome research on almost anything they do BEFORE they do it (amazing). I'd be sure not to miss the "must-sees" if Mom is with me. However, as much as I love my mother, we know that two weeks together, especially under the stress of travel, is just too damn long. Unfortunately. I'm also planning on camping for half my trip, and I just don't think Mom would dig that very much. That and the hitchhiking. I need to learn some of this on my own, with only my own fears holding me back.

Anyhow, that's enough travel ramble for the day, doncha think? I was going to write about my lack of a love life, but I'll save that topic for another day.

Hasta luego!

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