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Monday, March 6th, 2000 - Holly Writes: An Eagle's Nest
Heather's Note: I'm terribly behind on putting up Holly's emails, which I am properly ashamed of. I'm putting her latest here mainly for selfish reasons: I want you all to see/hear about the fabulous vacation I have waiting for me. It really, truly sounds like paradise, and I just can't wait!! Ok, here's Holly's letter:

I have been living in Beneficio paradise for almost three weeks now. for those of you that don't know, Beneficio is an intentional community in the valley of the sierra nevada in southern Spain. I finally moved out of my friend Katherine's tipi and got my own place way up in the hills by myself. There are other people living up there, but I have a whole beautiful pine grov e to myself. I mostly live outside. I created a little a-frame shelter with a tarp just in case it rains (it seems like it never will) but mostly I spend my time in the trees where I made a circle of stones. There I have my own little firepit with a huge log-seat next to it. I love my little home. I call it my nest because its so high and you can look out over the whole valley from there. Its really peaceful up there even though you hear the occasional drumming, or mother singing to her child.

Usually I spend most part of my day in my little nest writing or reading or doing yoga. I make tea from the rosemary and lavender growing here and have a chat with the occasional passerby. Then about mid-day or late afternoon I go down to the valley and swim in the alburque there and maybe wash some clothes and sunbathe naked. At night I may have a few people over to make a meal or go to the BIG LODGE for the community meal and music afterwards. I really love it here.

I am still trying to connect with the dance studio that Ananya told me about (thanks sweetie). They are never there when I get to town to call. In the meantime I am preparing to dance for the Dragon Festival March 18 19. I'd like to get some musicians together for it and put on a little program. I also will be waiting tables for a cafe that's happening at the festival. The man hiring me, David, wants me to work both days like 12 hour days with a few hours off for when I perform. I don't know how much i like this but I could earn a lot of money and so far I haven«t found any other work.

It is spring here. There are beautiful white blossoms on the almond trees that blow off in the breeze and stick to your head sometimes. There is an eagle living just above me and I hear its caw at dusk. The nights are getting warmer and the days are hot. The pulse and rhythm of this nature is deeply satisfying.

This morning a pine cone dropped on my head and I woke up to see what it was. The sun was peaking up over the moutain and I noticed there was a new little ruin stone that a passerby had set on my altar. Let this letter be your pine cone.

Love, Holly

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