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Wednesday, March 8th, - What the hell is wrong with me?
Actually, Beth's entry today makes me feel much better about the whole thing, somehow. I knew, I KNEW it was something of a universal, this tendancy to pick on people closest to us.

I took down the last three entries I wrote. I'm sorry to yank them like that, but they were too...too damn painful to leave up here all raw and unprotected. I hate being this much of a mess....

3:30 update:
You know, I'm starting to wonder if this isn't hormonal. I hate to blame my relationship stress on my hormones - well, I can't blame it on my hormones; this was all here regardless of hormonal imbalances... but...

Well, I've been having weird cramps at the wrong times. Weird, very painful, gripping cramps. Like most women, I've been ignoring them. Random pelvic pain seems to go with womanhood; we get used to ignoring cramps. But this is something like the second or third month that I've had cramps in the wrong point in the menstrual cycle. Plus, well, this is the third month in a row that I've had breast tenderness/soreness throughout most of the month; that should only happen the week right before I menstruate. That I've been ignoring, too, though with less cause than the cramps. The breast thing is more unusual...

Anyhow, it occured to me today as I was crying uncontrollably over something that is really very trivial in the whole scheme of things that the emotional roller coaster might just be related to the cramps and breast soreness. Something might actually be physically WRONG.

Anyhow, that thought is absurdly reassuring and terribly frightening at the same time. I'm calling Planned Parenthood....

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