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Thursday, March 9th, - The Cute Girl in our Hallway
(David pointed out to me that the above *could* have been a complete entry. Alas, it was not. And now you'll hear the REST of the story...)
The other day, right before the lunchtime hour at work, Jenna comes floating into the lunchroom.

"I just opened the door to the hallway, and there's the CUTEST girl working out there..."

"No way." Krista shakes her head. "Jenna's got weird taste in women."

"Never fear!" I exclaimed, "I hafta pee; I'll check her out on my way and report back."

So, I left our cozy office, and immediately saw the back of a petite woman balanced on a ladder, cleaning out the smoke detectors. She was wearing jeans and boots and a flannel shirt, and her head was shaved save for a flowing mohawk straight down the middle. Very dyke. Very much Jenna's taste in women. I strolled past and looked up into her face. She smiled down and me from behind stylish wire-rimmed glasses.

Oh, dykey or not, she *was* cute. Very cute.

I croaked hello, went down the hall to the bathroom, returned and looked at her again. Yup, she was flitter-heart material. Jenna was right.

I decided I would convey my opinion of this girl entirely through my face. I have a rather expressive face, and I have good control over it most of the time. I also have a wide array of "lustful" looks, so I selected one of my most simmering ones and fixed it firmly on my face (once I had passed the girl on the ladder, of course). My chin was tilted down, my mouth slightly open, lips pouty. My eyelids were half-lowered and sultry. I licked my lips right before I opened the door...

Jenna should have been sitting at the reception desk. The look would have hit her full one, and she would've wiggled with delight at the fact that I thought the girl was cute too. Instead of Jenna, I walked into a reception area filled with: my boss, our accounting manager, the president of our company and a banker they were in the process of schmoozing. I believe they were getting ready to go feed the banker sushi.

"Oooh, ....hi!" "Hello, Heather..."

Yikes! There was no mistaking the look on my face...

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