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"Phillip Dick! Oh, yes, I know him! He wrote another
book, you haven't read it, I'm sure, about WWII where Germany and
Japan win the war -- " "'Man in the High Castle'", I said, pleased
that for once I could recall a title at the time of discussion, "Yes,
I've read it; good book." I don't think he was happy that I had
read the book, actually, so he went into a long monologue about WWII
battle trading cards that he used to trade as a kid. I guess he'd
gotten an entire set, but that his mom threw them out when he went to
college. We got into a whole discussion about science fiction. Seems
his mother also threw out his complete collection of "it was called
'Astounding Stories' at the time" (later I remembered it turned into
'Analog', but at the time I was drawing a blank). He didn't seem too
kooky, but he did claim to have studied with Bradbury (which he referred
to as "the man who wrote 'Farhenheit 451'"; I hope my memory doesn't go
like that when I'm that old). This man, called Hoss, is an ethnic
historian, working on ancient Mayan manuscripts. He also claimed to be a
professional writer, and offered to look over my stories. He wanted my
phone number, which I was loathe to give (especially since I had noticed
many people listening to our conversation; that happens, on the bus). I
wrote down my email to him, and a day or so later I got an email from his
friend in Las Vegas, wanting to know if I saw his wallet after he got off
the bus (alas, no). Not sure it's a relationship I'll be persuing, but I
do enjoy talking to strangers on the bus. The rest of the country
doesn't have the "save energy" commercials, do you? Where they show you a
refrigerator in a garage, and talk about how stupid it is to keep soda
cold all day long when no one's drinking it? What I don't get is why we
haven't been showing commercials like this all along, considering that
most of our electricity comes from burning natural resources which will
someday run out; you'd think we'd be conserving from the get-go. I am
continually amazed at how illogical we all are as the human
race. I've been wanting to talk about race relations
here for some time, but I keep putting it off. I want to talk about being
white in Oakland, where most people living here are NOT white. I want to
talk about experiencing racism, and my reactions to it (I grew up in
Indiana and it's a very different world out here). I want to talk about
all this, but I just don't know that I'm ready to yet. I will say
this: we need to stop the hate. I have no idea how, but it's got to go
off and on: Unlocking the Air and other stories by Ursula
K. LeGuin Starlight 2
anthology edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden
My new PO Box is: Heather Shaw
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HomeFriday, March 9th, 2001 -
Exercise log:
Yoga class preceeded by 17 minutes on the precor machine on Tuesday. Last
night I did 80 situps and a full 35 minutes of precor running. Stairs are
suddenly hard again.
Writing log:
Another 1000 words of my story. Which I no longer like. I am too hard on
I'm currently
A Scanner Darkly by Phillip K. Dick
P.O. Box
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222
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