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Monday, November 5th, 2001 - Of Gods and Goats

One of the problem with the "logs" in this journal is that sometimes that's all my news. I mean, work is fine, and aside from telling you rather esoteric jokes such as "Dildos ate my baby" and crowing over selling not one, but two Who's Your Daddy (bottom of the page) dildos and two Jackhammer Jesus (middle of the page) dildos today, there's not much to tell.

Yes, there is some fear around the office that we're all going to hell, but I think it was of the mock variety.

Anyway, so, yeah. Yesterday Tim and I went to Mama's, had brunch, went to the tea bar, worked. I typed in the handwritten scenes from "Goat Girl" while we were out. On the walk home, I thought about the final three scenes. When I got home, I wrote them. And it was good.

Tim's always telling me that I write well when I sit down and do it, and I'm beginning to think maybe he's got something there . . .

Anyway, if you can't tell, I'm still pretty high from completing this story that I started working on in the spring. There's a rush that comes with every completed writing project, but the articles just can't compete with a satisfying piece of fiction. There's a thrill in laying down the right mood, using the perfect adjective and stumbling upon a metaphor and realizing that you just, almost accidentally (but we'll call it unconsciously) gave your piece a deeper meaning. Articles, well, they don't usually speak on many levels at once. But good fiction . . . oooh. I can never force it in fiction, which is probably why I throw out so many drafts; I can't make it happen, but I can tell when I'm on. And in this incarnation, "Goat Girl" was on.

Hm. I guess I still feel humble (somewhat humble ;-) because I know I can't make it happen any old time I want it to. I've always written in spurts, and I've never pinned down exactly how to make inspiration hit. Tim sees me in "go" mode, and he wonders why I can't just do that any old time. If only I could! I will say this, though: his influence is stellar. There's nothing like having an extremely prolific writer sleeping with you every night, living in your house with you, to make you feel as if maybe you should at least be *trying* to write something. So, maybe it's just a matter of giving inspiration more times in which to hit.

In honor of the weirdness of Buffy the Musical airing tomorrow night (and I'm *very* excited!) here's a very naughty link for Buffy fans. You proabably don't want to click that link at work, btw, unless you work where I do. Hey, I warned you it was naughty.

Have a lovely Monday, my dears.

Exercise log:

Met Tim and went to the gym after work. Stretching followed by 20 solid minutes on the precor. Tim looked bored, but we made plans to do it every week, 2 or 3 times. Yay! We both feel virtuous.

Writing log:

Finished "Goat Girl"! Finally! I only started writing this thing about 4 or 5 separate times. This time, it's good. At least I think so, and Tim says it is too, so . . . anyway, I think it only needs a polish and it's ready to go out into the cruel, cruel world. Hooray!

Check out my new Bibliography page.

Current Publications:

Indianapolis Guide at Written by me, edited by someone else.

In the Shade of You a poem at Speculon.

San Francisco City Guide at Written by me, edited by someone else.

I'm currently reading:

Warm Worlds and Otherwise by James Tiptree, Jr.

The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl by Tim Pratt

My PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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