Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Tuesday, November 9th, 1999 - Scapegoat
I've always said that family treats family worse than they'd treat any stranger. This is especially true when you are hurting over something intensely personal; the last thing you want to do is confide in your family. In fact, you'll probably lash out at them for inquiring about your pain, and more jealously guard it as secret. You won't talk about what's bothering you, but you'll take it out on those closest to you. Suddenly, every little thing your family has done that annoys you is magnified tenfold, and you might even pick a fight or three just to release that tension.

I suppose the adult thing to do in this situation is to let it all slide off for now. Try not to take the attacks from the hurting person personally; know that you're just too close to be immediately helpful and know that they do need you, love you, and try to stay out of their way, but remain near enough so they can still find you when they're ready to talk. And try not to let them pick fights with you. That might be the hardest part of all, not getting dragged into it. You don't want to let this destroy you, too.

I know this is vague, but that's all you're getting for now. I'm not even telling which side of it I'm on right now.

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