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Monday October 2nd - Good Mood
Burning Man
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I am so cheery today. It would scare me - as I know this is just a mood swing, since I was so damn depressed last week and the week before - but I'm too damn happy to care. Even my dentist commented that I seemed to have lots of energy today (I had a cavity filled; I like my dentist so much that I was actually disappointed that this is the last cavity until the next cleaning). I don't know if this is the result of better eating habits or the fact that my body is almost healed from the running fiasco on Friday or if it's a bizarre reverse PMS, but I don't care. I'm just going to enjoy it.

One of my problems is lack of confidence. I don't know how some of you do it. In social situations I'm always second-guessing myself, thinking that what I have to say is not as important as others, that no one wants to hear me/talk to me. It affects my writing too: when I'm down, all I can think about is how stupid this sounds, how no one will believe my characters or how the same themes keep cropping up in my (small) body of work. I am so very hard on myself. Sometimes I won't write for fear of turning out crap. I can't take that risk somedays, so I don't write at all.

Since I'm in a good mood right now, I'm trying to focus on what keeps me happy and confident. I notice that I approach things differently when I'm happy: I don't assume failure before I start. When asking for permission or when correcting a mistake, I don't fall all over myself in guilt and apology, assuming that I am terribly, terribly in the wrong. Instead I say, "hey, this is what's up, this is why it's late, this is what's going on, just FYI" and the person reading it is much more accepting and doesn't get all angry with me. Wow. Wish I could do this all the time.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights at home yesterday: shoulders, biceps and triceps (I was watching Shawshank Redemtion; prison movies always make me feel like pumping iron). I borrowed Jen's 10 and 15 lb weights, which meant I had to carry them up and down the steps, so that counts too. Did some situps as well.

Writing log:

May this little void be the source of all Heather's depression?

I'm currently reading:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

Knight of Ghosts and Shadows by Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon

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