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Friday, October 1st, 1999 - Hiding it Well
Ok. The truth is is that I'm pretty damn miserable right now, but I'm fighting it. None of it is stuff that I really want to discuss in detail here, and, yes, there is more than one thing going on. Another reason not to go into detail here is that I'm trying REALLY HARD not to dwell on any of it.... no point in wallowing; I'm tired of wallowing, tired of not feeling good, tired of not having control. So, I'm going to pretend I have least control over how I react to all of it.

Holly would be so proud.

We had a really good company lunch today. I had decided on Vietanmese food, which I've never tried before just now, so I asked around and got some good suggestions. I managed to order just enough food this time; there were only a few vegetarian items left (yay). The menu:

Spring Rolls
Marinated Beef in Lemon Juice
Multi Vita Rolls (Rice Vermicelli Noodle Salad)
Crispy Noodle w/Veggies (Rice Vermicelli)
Lemon Grass Tofu (Vegetarian)
Eggplant w/Tofu, Hot Garlic Sauce (Veg)
Lemon Grass Prawns (spicy)
Lemon Grass Chicken (spicy)
Curried Chicken
Lemon Grass Beef (spicy)

I had to answer phones during lunch, so I missed much of the speech the president was giving us; how do they expect me to know what's going on if I miss most of every speech because I'm slipping off to answer the phones? Rrgh. I got so upset about it today, I wanted to cry. I didn't.

My big plans for tonight are to stay home and go through crap. I have a lot of crap, and since Sharon is moving out for 6 months (she got an internship; yay Sharon!), it's an opportunity to go digging in the usually inaccessible closet. In other words, I have to. Besides, my birth certificate is in there somewhere, and if I ever EVER want to travel, I must find it. So, piece by piece I'm going to sort 2 + years of accumulated papers and stuff. Thank gods I recycle most of the time.

I also plan to write. I have an idea for a story. I am terrified that it's not going to be one of my "striking" stories, that it's gonna be dull, but to hell with fear! What the fuck, write it anyway. Even if it sucks, at least I spent some time writing, and, at this point, that's what I should worry about.

Oh, here's some news: I'm thinking about auditioning for the role of Helen of Troy in an upcoming production of The Trojan Women. No, I don't think I'm all that, it's just that the director, Victoria, is a new friend of mine and she recently found out I used to do theatre in college and she invited me to audition. That was nice; it made me feel good. I need to find out more (where, when, how long is the run, how big is the role (small, I think, which would be good) etc.), but it's definitely appealing to me. I used to love doing theatre; at every point in my life when I've felt most lost, I've auditioned randomly for a play, did the play and felt much more connected and vital. Well, high school and college worked that way. You tend to bond with your cast members; it's a rather intimate situation in many ways. And theatre people are fun :-)

I'm planning a mellow weekend. I'm hoping to feel better and be able to relax and be happy again, but, you know, I'm not putting any pressure on to be that way. Just let it roll, clean, organize, sort through my life and get rid of the baggage. Fall cleaning time!

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