first created 2/4/2001 last updated 1/20/2016
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20th ME, Co. F (WA)
Our unit is part of the ACWA, a federal non-profit and tax-exempt organization and a 501-C non-profit group in the state of California.
20th Maine, Company G
NOTE: Please go to our new website to see event information and updated unit info:
But if you are here to see more information about the Fort Point event that occurs every January and August, please click on the link in the upper left hand corner on this page.
A rare photo of the 20th Maine, company G. Pictured here, company G is at a little more than a third of its full strength. The Captain, Thomas D. Chamberlain, stands front and center. The first sergeant, James C. Rundlett, is third from the left. The photograph is believed to have been taken late in 1863 or in 1864. - photo and caption from The Twentieth Maine, by John Pullen Who we are: The 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry, Company G is a member of the American Civil War Association (ACWA) in Northern California. As a unit within the Union Brigade of the ACWA, we are dedicated to represent with honor and respect, the bravery of the American Civil War soldiers. As a non-profit organization we put on demonstrations at local schools and organize monthly reenactments to teach history by trying to relive it. Background: From the the rugged coastline to the deep forested interior of Maine came the whalers, merchants, loggers, farmers and city dwellers who made up the raw material that transformed fresh recruits into soldiers of valor. The 20th Maine was mustered into service on August 29, 1862. Having been held in reserve at Antietam, they did not receive their baptism of fire until December on the bloody slopes of Fredericksburg. Pinned down behind the cover of fallen comrades, the unit was almost left behind be the retreating Army of the Potomac. At a crucial turning point in the bloodiest battle of the war -- Gettysburg -- Joshua Chamberlain, as the commander of the 20th Maine, performed a miracle tactic with a flash of his sword. On the rocky slopes of Little Round Top, the regiment was outnumbered, with their front doubled back into the shape of a horseshoe, and practically no ammunition left. In desperation, under the inspired leadership of Chamberlain, the men received the order, "Fix Bayonets!", and they charged the attacking Confederate ranks. Along with that unexpected assault and achieving victory, the 20th Maine earned for themselves imperishable fame and honor. Throughout the rest of this American struggle, the 20th Maine fought in many of the bloodiest engagements of the hard-fighting Army of the Potomac. At the final conclusion of the Civil War, at Appomattox, the 20th Maine was designated as one of the regiments to receive the surrender of Lee's defeated Army of Northern Virginia.
This website was created by Mike Musante (mikemusante @ hotmail . com). Comments, suggestions and information on outdated links are appreciated. Feel free to contact me and I shall reply as soon as possible. We would like to thank Henry White for his assistance in creating and adding the finishing touches to some of the graphics you see on these pages. We also wish to thank Tom Starr for his work in updating the Enlistment section, David Latini for his QA and technical advice, and all others that gave suggestions. Last but definitely not least, the unit and I wish to thank Trent Pierson for his assistance, patience and many hours during 1998-2000 in creating the first unit website.
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